This site has been permanently archived. This is a static copy provided by the University of Southampton.
* @author guicec
$(document).ready( function() {
var pathsToExpand = new Array();
// Define Tree.
var treeLoader = new Ext.tree.TreeLoader({
dataUrl : Drupal.settings.neologism.property_json_url,
baseParams: Drupal.settings.neologism,
listeners: {
load: function(loader, node, response){
var treePanel = node.getOwnerTree();
for (var i = 0; i < pathsToExpand.length; i++) {
treePanel.fireEvent('fullexpanded', {
name: 'propertiesTreeViewPanel',
newHeight: treePanel.getHeight() - treePanel.header.getHeight() - 1
pathsToExpand.length = 0;
// SET the root node.
var rootNode = new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
text : Drupal.t('Thing/Superclass'),
id : 'root', // this IS the id of the startnode
iconCls: 'property-samevoc',
listeners: {
beforeexpand: function( /*Node*/ node, /*Boolean*/ deep, /*Boolean*/ anim ) {
//if (treeloaded) return;
var treePanel = node.getOwnerTree();
Neologism.TermsTree.traverse(node, function(currentNode, path) {
var pathToExpand = path.slice();
var path = pathToExpand.join('/');
if( !Neologism.util.in_array(path, pathsToExpand)) {
lastNodeName = currentNode.text;
}, true);
Neologism.propertiesTreeViewPanel = new Neologism.TermsTreeView({
title : Drupal.t('Properties'),
id : "object-property-tree",
el : "object-property-tree",
loader : treeLoader,
root : rootNode,
rootVisible : false
Neologism.propertiesTreeViewPanel.on('fullexpanded', Drupal.neologism.checkTreeViewsHeight);