This site has been permanently archived. This is a static copy provided by the University of Southampton.
/** @author guicec Extending/depending on: ~ = modified function (when updating from SVN be sure to check these for changes, especially to Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI.render() ) + = added function Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI: ~onClick(), ~onDblClick() Ext.tree.TreePanel : ~expandPath(), +getChecked(), +someChildOrParentIsChecked(), +checkDisjointWidth(), +isSomeChildChecked(), +isSomeChildCheckedOrStatus() Ext.tree.TreeNode: +checkDisjointness(), +checkNodeReferences() Neologism.TermsTree: +addObserver(), +notifyObservers(), +findNodeByText(), +computeInverses(), +findChildInNode(), +traverse(), +getXSDDatatype() */ /** * Override TreePanel onClick and onDblClick events * @param {Object} e */ Ext.override(Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI, { onClick : function(e) { //debugger; if ( this.dropping ) { e.stopEvent(); return; } if ( this.fireEvent("beforeclick", this.node, e) !== false ) { var a = e.getTarget('a'); if ( !this.disabled && this.node.attributes.href && a ){ this.fireEvent("click", this.node, e); return; } else { if ( a && e.ctrlKey ) { e.stopEvent(); } } e.preventDefault(); if (this.disabled) { return; } if ( this.node.attributes.singleClickExpand && !this.animating && this.node.hasChildNodes() ) { //this.node.expand(); //this.node.toggle(); } this.fireEvent("click", this.node, e); } else { e.stopEvent(); } } }); Ext.override(Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI, { onDblClick : function(e){ //debugger; e.preventDefault(); if ( this.disabled ){ return; } if ( this.checkbox ){ return; // cancel the toggleCheck when dblclick //this.toggleCheck(); } if ( this.animating && this.node.hasChildNodes() ){ //this.node.toggle(); //this.node.expand(); } this.fireEvent("dblclick", this.node, e); }, //private onCheckChange : function(){ //alert('onCheckChange'); var checked = this.checkbox.checked; // fix for IE6 this.checkbox.defaultChecked = checked; this.node.attributes.checked = checked; this.fireEvent('checkchange', this.node, checked); } }); Ext.override(Ext.tree.TreePanel, { expandPath : function(path, attr, callback){ attr = attr || 'id'; var keys = path.split(this.pathSeparator); var curNode = this.root; if(curNode.attributes[attr] != keys[1]){ // invalid root if(callback){ callback(false, null); } return; } var index = 1; var f = function(){ if(++index == keys.length){ if(callback){ callback(true, curNode); } return; } var c = curNode.findChild(attr, keys[index]); if(!c){ if(callback){ callback(false, curNode); } return; } curNode = c; c.expand(false, false, f); }; curNode.expand(false, false, f); return curNode; } }); /* Ext.override(Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI, { toggleCheck : function(value) { var cb = this.checkbox; if(cb){ var checkvalue = (value === undefined ? !cb.checked : value); cb.checked = checkvalue; this.node.attributes.checked = checkvalue; } } }); */ /** * Retrieve an array of ids of checked nodes * @return {Array} array of ids of checked nodes */ Ext.tree.TreePanel.prototype.getChecked = function(node){ var checked = [], i; if( typeof node == 'undefined' ) { node = this.rootVisible ? this.getRootNode() : this.getRootNode().firstChild; } if( node.attributes.checked ) { checked.push(; if( !node.isLeaf() ) { for( i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++ ) { checked = checked.concat( this.getChecked(node.childNodes[i]) ); } } } return checked; }; //------------------------------------------------------- // especifies methods for TermsTree /** * Note: we are working with node.text becuase the id could be modified or had not the right value */ Ext.tree.TreePanel.prototype.someChildOrParentIsChecked = function(node, fn) { var someoneChecked = false; if (!node.parentNode.isRoot) { // search for someone checked var someoneChecked = false; node.bubble( function() { if ( node.text != this.text ) { this.eachChild( function(currentNode) { currentNode.cascade( function() { //var cid = ( this.attributes.realid !== undefined ) ? this.attributes.realid :; if ( this.getUI().checkbox.checked == true ) { someoneChecked = true; return false; } }, null); }); /* if ( !someoneChecked ) { if( === false){ // break; } //this.getUI().checkbox.disabled = false; } */ } if ( this.parentNode.isRoot ) { return false; } }); } }; Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus = { NORMAL: 0, IMPLICIT: 1, INCONSISTENT: 2, BLOCKED: 3, BLOCKED_AND_INCONSISTENT: 4 }; Ext.tree.TreePanel.prototype.checkDisjointWith = function(node){ var disjointwith = []; var checked = node.getUI().checkbox.checked; if( node.attributes.disjointwith.length > 0 ) { disjointwith = disjointwith.concat(node.attributes.disjointwith); } // traverse children /* node.eachChild( function(currentNode) { currentNode.cascade(function() { console.log(this.text); console.log(this.ui); console.log(this.getUI().nodeClass); if( this.getUI().nodeClass != 'class-disabled' && this.attributes.disjointwith.length > 0 ) { disjointwith = disjointwith.concat(this.attributes.disjointwith); } }, null); }); */ //console.log(disjointwith); var len = disjointwith.length; if( len > 0 ) { // get the root node var rootnode = node.getOwnerTree().getRootNode(); // traverse the tree rootnode.eachChild( function(currentNode) { currentNode.cascade( function() { for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( this.text == disjointwith[i] ) { if( checked ) { if( this.attributes.nodeStatus == Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.BLOCKED ) { this.attributes.nodeStatus = Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.BLOCKED_AND_INCONSISTENT; this.getUI().removeClass('class-bloked'); } else { this.attributes.nodeStatus = Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.INCONSISTENT; } this.getUI().addClass('class-inconsistent'); } else { if( this.attributes.nodeStatus == Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.BLOCKED_AND_INCONSISTENT ) { this.attributes.nodeStatus = Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.BLOCKED; this.getUI().addClass('class-bloked'); } else { this.attributes.nodeStatus = Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.NORMAL; } this.getUI().removeClass('class-inconsistent'); } this.getUI().checkbox.disabled = (this.attributes.nodeStatus != Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.NORMAL); // all child also are disjoint this.eachChild( function(currentNode) { currentNode.cascade( function() { if( checked ) { if( this.attributes.nodeStatus == Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.BLOCKED ) { this.attributes.nodeStatus = Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.BLOCKED_AND_INCONSISTENT; this.getUI().removeClass('class-bloked'); } else { this.attributes.nodeStatus = Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.INCONSISTENT; } this.getUI().addClass('class-inconsistent'); } else { if( this.attributes.nodeStatus == Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.BLOCKED_AND_INCONSISTENT ) { this.attributes.nodeStatus = Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.BLOCKED; this.getUI().addClass('class-bloked'); } else { this.attributes.nodeStatus = Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.NORMAL; } this.getUI().removeClass('class-inconsistent'); } this.getUI().checkbox.disabled = (this.attributes.nodeStatus != Ext.tree.TreePanel.nodeStatus.NORMAL); }, null); }); } } }, null); }); } }; Ext.tree.TreePanel.prototype.isSomeChildChecked = function(node){ var someoneChecked = false; node.eachChild( function(currentNode) { //currentNode.cascade( function() { var cid = ( currentNode.attributes.realid !== undefined ) ? currentNode.attributes.realid :; if ( currentNode.getUI().checkbox.checked == true ) { someoneChecked = true; return false; } // }, null); }); return someoneChecked; }; Ext.tree.TreePanel.prototype.isSomeChildCheckedOrStatus = function(node, status){ var someoneChecked = false; node.eachChild( function(currentNode) { //currentNode.cascade( function() { var cid = ( currentNode.attributes.realid !== undefined ) ? currentNode.attributes.realid :; if ( currentNode.getUI().checkbox.checked == true || currentNode.attributes.nodeStatus == status ) { someoneChecked = true; return false; } // }, null); }); return someoneChecked; }; Ext.tree.TreeNode.prototype.checkDisjointness = function(/*TreeNode*/node, /*string*/editingNodeValue, /*Mutidimensional array*/parentPaths) { // if some node comes checked is because it is a real disjointwith if (node.getUI().isChecked()) return; if (Neologism.util.in_array(editingNodeValue, node.attributes.disjointwith)) { node.getUI().toggleCheck(true); node.disable(); } else if (node.attributes.inferred_disjointwith != undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < parentPaths.length; i++) { for (var tindex = 1; tindex < parentPaths[i].length; tindex++) { //console.log(parentPaths[i][tindex]); if (Neologism.util.in_array(parentPaths[i][tindex], node.attributes.inferred_disjointwith)) { node.disable(); return; } } } } }, Ext.tree.TreeNode.prototype.checkInverses = function(/*TreeNode*/node, /*string*/editingNodeValue) { // if some node comes checked is because it is a real disjointwith if (node.getUI().isChecked()) return; if (Neologism.util.in_array(editingNodeValue, node.attributes.inverses)) { node.getUI().toggleCheck(true); node.disable(); } // else if (node.attributes.inferred_inverses != undefined) { // for (var i = 0; i < parentPaths.length; i++) { // for (var tindex = 1; tindex < parentPaths[i].length; tindex++) { // //console.log(parentPaths[i][tindex]); // if (Neologism.util.in_array(parentPaths[i][tindex], node.attributes.inferred_disjointwith)) { // node.disable(); // return; // } // } // } // } }, /** * Check for possible references to a node. The references are stored in the first node of the tree. * @param node Node to check for possible references. * @return */ Ext.tree.TreeNode.prototype.checkNodeReferences = function(checked) { var nodeTocheck = this; var tree = nodeTocheck.getOwnerTree(); var rootNode = tree.getRootNode(); if ( rootNode.childNodes[0].attributes.references != undefined ) { var references = rootNode.childNodes[0].attributes.references; if (references[nodeTocheck.text] != undefined && references[nodeTocheck.text].references > 0) { var reference = references[nodeTocheck.text]; for ( var p = 0; p < reference.paths.length; p++ ) { var rnode = tree.expandPath(reference.paths[p]); if ( rnode != undefined ) { if (rnode.attributes.checked != checked) { rnode.getUI().toggleCheck(checked); } } } } } }; //Ext.extend(Ext.tree.CheckboxNodeUI, Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI, { /* render : function(bulkRender){ var n = this.node; var targetNode = n.parentNode ? n.parentNode.ui.getContainer() : n.ownerTree.container.dom; // in later svn builds this changes to n.ownerTree.innerCt.dom if(!this.rendered){ this.rendered = true; var a = n.attributes; // add some indent caching, this helps performance when rendering a large tree this.indentMarkup = ""; if(n.parentNode){ this.indentMarkup = n.parentNode.ui.getChildIndent(); } // modification: added checkbox var buf = ['
  • ', '',this.indentMarkup,"", '', '', '" : ">")' '', '',n.text,"
    ", '', "
  • "]; if(bulkRender !== true && n.nextSibling && n.nextSibling.ui.getEl()){ this.wrap = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeBegin", n.nextSibling.ui.getEl(), buf.join("")); }else{ this.wrap = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeEnd", targetNode, buf.join("")); } this.elNode = this.wrap.childNodes[0]; this.ctNode = this.wrap.childNodes[1]; var cs = this.elNode.childNodes; this.indentNode = cs[0]; this.ecNode = cs[1]; this.iconNode = cs[2]; this.checkbox = cs[3]; // modification: inserted checkbox this.anchor = cs[4]; this.textNode = cs[4].firstChild; if(a.qtip){ if(this.textNode.setAttributeNS){ this.textNode.setAttributeNS("ext", "qtip", a.qtip); if(a.qtipTitle){ this.textNode.setAttributeNS("ext", "qtitle", a.qtipTitle); } }else{ this.textNode.setAttribute("ext:qtip", a.qtip); if(a.qtipTitle){ this.textNode.setAttribute("ext:qtitle", a.qtipTitle); } } } else if(a.qtipCfg) { =; Ext.QuickTips.register(a.qtipCfg); } this.initEvents(); // modification: Add additional handlers here to avoid modifying Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI'click', this.check.createDelegate(this, [null])); n.on('dblclick', function(e) { if( this.isLeaf() ) { this.getUI().toggleCheck(); } }); if(!this.node.expanded){ this.updateExpandIcon(); } }else{ if(bulkRender === true) { targetNode.appendChild(this.wrap); } } }, checked : function() { return this.checkbox.checked; }, /** * Sets a checkbox appropriately. By default only walks down through child nodes * if called with no arguments (onchange event from the checkbox), otherwise * it's assumed the call is being made programatically and the correct arguments are provided. * @param {Boolean} state true to check the checkbox, false to clear it. (defaults to the opposite of the checkbox.checked) * @param {Boolean} descend true to walk through the nodes children and set their checkbox values. (defaults to false) */ /* check : function(state, descend, bulk) { var n = this.node; var tree = n.getOwnerTree(); var parentNode = n.parentNode;n if( !n.expanded && !n.childrenRendered ) { n.expand(false, false, this.check.createDelegate(this, arguments)); } if( typeof bulk == 'undefined' ) { bulk = false; } if( typeof state == 'undefined' || state === null ) { state = this.checkbox.checked; descend = !state; if( state ) { n.expand(false, false); } } else { this.checkbox.checked = state; } n.attributes.checked = state; // do we have parents? if( parentNode !== null && state ) { // if we're checking the box, check it all the way up if( parentNode.getUI().check ) { parentNode.getUI().check(state, false, true); } } if( descend && !n.isLeaf() ) { var cs = n.childNodes; for(var i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) { cs[i].getUI().check(state, true, true); } } if( !bulk ) { tree.fireEvent('check', n, state); } }, toggleCheck : function(state) { this.check(!this.checkbox.checked, true); } }); */ Neologism.TermsTree = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreePanel, { //props (overridable by caller) height : 400, width : '100%', autoWidth : true, // to force TreePanel.syncSize(); to sync the inherited width disabled : false, rootVisible : false, header : false, headerAsText : false, // hidden the header title initComponent: function() { // Called during component initialization var tb = new Ext.Toolbar( {items: [ { tooltip: 'Refresh the tree', iconCls: 'x-tbar-loading', scope: this, handler: function(){ this.refresh(); } }, { tooltip: 'Expand all', iconCls: 'icon-expand-all', scope: this, handler: function(){ this.expandAll(); } }, { tooltip: 'Collapse all', iconCls: 'icon-collapse-all', scope: this, handler: function(){ this.collapseAll(); } }, '-' ]} ); var config = { //props (non-overridable) //------------------------------------------- standard TreePanel properties useArrows : true, collapsible : true, animCollapse : true, border : true, autoScroll : true, animate : true, containerScroll : true, enableDD : false, singleClickExpand: true, tbar: tb, //------------------------------------------- // custom TermsTree properties hiddenNodes: [], // array of selected values arrayOfValues: [] }; // public property this.observers = []; // Config object has already been applied to 'this' so properties can // be overriden here or new properties (e.g. items, tools, buttons) // can be added, eg: Ext.apply(this, config); Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config); // Call parent (required) Neologism.TermsTree.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments); // After parent code // e.g. install event handlers on rendered component // event definition for // - node click: so we can refresh the list of notes // - notes drop: so we can re-assign notes to a new neod this.addEvents('nodeclick', 'notesdrop'); // we also want that tree terms send a message when selection has been changed this.addEvents('selectionchange'); this.addListener({ selectionchange:{ fn: this.onSelectionChange, scope: this } }); //this.enableBubble('selectionchange'); // Filter text field that will be added to the Tool bar and perform the // filtering in the tree of nodes this.filterField = new Ext.form.TextField({ width: 300, emptyText: Drupal.t('Type term to search'), tree: this, listeners:{ render: function(f){ f.el.on('keydown', function(ev) { this.tree.filterNodes( this.getValue() ); }, this, {buffer: 350}); } } }); // add the text field to the toolbar this.getTopToolbar().addField( this.filterField ); //------------------------------------------- // event handlers // Handle node click this.on('click', function(node) { this.fireEvent('nodeclick',; }); }, // other methods/actions filterNodes: function(pattern){ // un-hide the nodes that were filtered last time Ext.each(this.hiddenNodes, function(n){ n.ui.removeClass('match-search');; }); if(!pattern){ return; } this.expandAll(); var re = new RegExp('^.*' + Ext.escapeRe(pattern) + '.*', 'i'); this.root.cascade( function(n){ if (re.test(n.text)) { n.ui.addClass('match-search');; n.bubble( function() {; } ); } else { n.ui.hide(); this.hiddenNodes.push(n); } }, this); } ,refresh:function(){ this.loader.load( this.getRootNode() ); } ,onSelectionChange:function(newValues) { // do whatever is necessary to assign the employee to position //console.log('TermsTree - onSelectionChange not implemented yet...'); } }); //this to register our component as xtype, but we really don't need that Ext.reg('termstree', Neologism.TermsTree); /** * Add observer TermsTree component that its data depend of this one * @return nothing */ Neologism.TermsTree.prototype.addObserver = function(observer){ if( typeof observer == 'undefined' ) { return; } //this.relayEvents(observer, ['selectionchange']); this.observers.push(observer); }; /** * Iterate over the observers array and fire the event for each component * @return nothing */ Neologism.TermsTree.prototype.notifyObservers = function(event, object){ if( typeof event == 'undefined' ) { return; } for( var i = 0; i < this.observers.length; i++ ) { this.observers[i].fireEvent(event, object); } }; /** * */ Neologism.TermsTree.prototype.findNodeByText = function(text){ var node = null; this.getRootNode().eachChild(function(currentNode){ currentNode.cascade(function(){ if( this.attributes.text == text ) { node = this; return false; } }, null); if( node !== null ) { //node.setOwnerTree(this.getOwnerTree()); return false; } }, null); return node; }; /** * Compute the posible inverse properties for a property with domain "domain" and range "range" * * @param rootNodeClasses current classes tree structure. * @param domain current domain for the property whose inverse going to be computed. * @param range current range for the property whose inverse going to be computed. * @return an array containing all the allowed as inverse properties */ Neologism.TermsTree.prototype.computeInverses = function(rootNodeClasses, domain, range){ // TODO: all parameter are obligatory, so we need to check for them. // Domain // add all classes that are disjoint with domain // and also add all classes that are disjoint with any superclass of domain var domainSet = []; for ( var i = 0; i < domain.length; i++ ) { var node = rootNodeClasses.getOwnerTree().findNodeByText(domain[i]); if( node != null ) { // this could be solved mean this way but I have to fix some bug that I found // regarding some class was repeated //domainSet = domainSet.concat(node.attributes.disjointwith); var d = node.attributes.disjointwith; for ( var j = 0; j < d.length; j++ ) { if ( domainSet.indexOf(d[j]) == -1 ) { domainSet.push(d[j]); } } } } // include also all subclasses of any of the classes added above var finalDomainSet = []; for ( var i = 0; i < domainSet.length; i++ ) { var node = rootNodeClasses.getOwnerTree().findNodeByText(domainSet[i]); if( node != null ) { // all child also are disjoint node.eachChild( function(currentNode) { currentNode.cascade( function() { if ( finalDomainSet.indexOf(this.text) == -1 ) { finalDomainSet.push(this.text); } }, null); }); } } finalDomainSet = finalDomainSet.concat(domainSet); // Range // add all classes that are disjoint with range // and also add all classes that are disjoint with any superclass of range var rangeSet = []; for ( var i = 0; i < range.length; i++ ) { var node = rootNodeClasses.getOwnerTree().findNodeByText(range[i]); if( node != null ) { // this could be solved mean this way but I have to fix some bug that I found // regarding some class was repeated //domainSet = domainSet.concat(node.attributes.disjointwith); var d = node.attributes.disjointwith; for ( var j = 0; j < d.length; j++ ) { if ( rangeSet.indexOf(d[j]) == -1 ) { rangeSet.push(d[j]); } } } } // include also all subclasses of any of the classes added above var finalRangeSet = []; for ( var i = 0; i < rangeSet.length; i++ ) { var node = rootNodeClasses.getOwnerTree().findNodeByText(rangeSet[i]); if( node != null ) { // all child also are disjoint node.eachChild( function(currentNode) { currentNode.cascade( function() { if ( finalRangeSet.indexOf(this.text) == -1 ) { finalRangeSet.push(this.text); } }, null); }); } } finalRangeSet = finalRangeSet.concat(rangeSet); // check for rules // A property i is allowed as an inverse of p if it fulfills all of the conditions below: // The domain of i is not any of the classes in finalRangeSet var allowedAsInverseProperties = []; // traverse the tree this.getRootNode().eachChild(function(currentNode){ currentNode.cascade(function(){ var allowed = true; var d = this.attributes.domain; for ( var i = 0; i < d.length; i++ ) { // The domain of i=this is not any of the classes in finalRangeSet if ( finalRangeSet.indexOf(d[i]) != -1 ) { allowed = false; break; } } if( allowed ) { var r = this.attributes.range; var rangeHasOnlyLiterals = true; for ( var i = 0; i < r.length; i++ ) { // The range of this is not any of the classes in finalDomainSet if ( finalDomainSet.indexOf(r[i]) != -1 ) { allowed = false; break; } if ( rangeHasOnlyLiterals ) { if( Neologism.TermsTree.getXSDDatatype().indexOf(r[i]) == -1 ) { rangeHasOnlyLiterals = false; } } } // if this only contain literal it is not allowed if ( rangeHasOnlyLiterals ) { allowed = false; } } // if the property was allowed as an inverse all its superproperties also fulfill the conditions if( allowed ) { // add this to the resulting array if ( allowedAsInverseProperties.indexOf(this.text) == -1 ) { allowedAsInverseProperties.push(this.text); } if ( !this.parentNode.isRoot ) { this.bubble( function() { if ( allowedAsInverseProperties.indexOf(this.text) == -1 ) { allowedAsInverseProperties.push(this.text); } // if this node is the root node then return false to stop the bubble process if ( this.parentNode.isRoot ) { return false; } }); } } }, null); }, null); return allowedAsInverseProperties; }, /** * Finds the first child that has the attribute with the specified value using the children array. * @param {Node} node containing children * @param {String} attribute The attribute name * @param {Mixed} value The value to search for * @return {Node} The found child or null if none was found */ Neologism.TermsTree.prototype.findChildInNode = function(node, value) { var cs = node.attributes.children; for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++) { if(cs[i].text == value){ return cs[i]; } } return null; }, /** * Traverse a term tree * @param rootNode * @param func a function to apply with two parameter. First param the node and second param the path * @param reset * @return */ Neologism.TermsTree.traverse = function(rootNode, func, reset) { var children = []; if ( typeof Neologism.TermsTree.traverse.path == 'undefined' || reset == true ) { // It has not... perform the initilization Neologism.TermsTree.traverse.path = ['/root']; } // rootNode of type Object if(rootNode.attributes == undefined) { children = rootNode.children; } // rootNode of type Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode else if(rootNode.attributes.children == undefined) { children = rootNode.childNodes; } // rootNode of type Ext.tree.TreeNode else { children = rootNode.attributes.children; } if(children != null) { for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { Neologism.TermsTree.traverse.path.push(children[i].text); func.apply(this,[children[i],Neologism.TermsTree.traverse.path]); Neologism.TermsTree.traverse(children[i],func, false); Neologism.TermsTree.traverse.path.pop(); } } }, /** * Static method that return the xsd datatype. * This is a fast solution, but the idea is to update that list from the server because now * the developer should update both function and this could bring some errors. */ Neologism.TermsTree.getXSDDatatype = function() { return [ 'rdfs:Literal', 'xsd:string', 'xsd:boolean', 'rdf:XMLLiteral', 'xsd:date', 'xsd:dateTime', 'xsd:time', 'xsd:gYearMonth', 'xsd:gYear', 'xsd:gMonthDay', 'xsd:time', 'xsd:gDay', 'xsd:gMonth', 'xsd:decimal', 'xsd:float', 'xsd:double', 'xsd:integer', 'xsd:nonPositiveInteger', 'xsd:negativeInteger', 'xsd:long', 'xsd:int', 'xsd:short', 'xsd:byte', 'xsd:nonNegativeInteger', 'xsd:unsignedLong', 'xsd:unsignedInt', 'xsd:unsignedShort', 'xsd:unsignedByte', 'xsd:unsignedInt', 'xsd:hexBinary', 'xsd:base64Binary', 'xsd:anyURI', 'xsd:normalizedString', 'xsd:token', 'xsd:language', 'xsd:NMTOKEN', 'xsd:Name', 'xsd:NCName' ]; }; //Ext.reg('termstree', Neologism.util); Ext.ns('Neologism.util'); Neologism.util.in_array = function(element, array_of_elements) { for(var i = 0, len = array_of_elements.length; i < len; i++) { if ( element == array_of_elements[i] ) { return true; } } return false; }, Neologism.util.remove_element = function(element, array_of_elements) { for(var i = 0, len = array_of_elements.length; i < len; i++) { if ( array_of_elements[i] == element ) { array_of_elements.splice(i, 1); } } };