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May 28, 2009

The Complete 1 Move, Once a Day, One Week Workout

If you have been toying with the idea of working out but don't know how to get started - here's a simple plan.

For one week, do one push up, once a day.

That's it.

If you can't do a full push up from the ground, no worries, do one from your knees.

If that's too much for you today, that's ok, too. Lean stand arms length away from a wall, and do a push up against the wall.

Again, that's it: one push up, once a day, one week.
WHen you finish week one, and have clocked one pushup a day, and only one, for one whole week, and want an idea for week two, shout.
Good Luck!
(Thanks to zhealth's (what's zhealth?) Eric Cobb for this Week 1 workout plan)