Count of ans11 |
ans11 |
Total |
Count of ans12 |
Count of ans21 |
Count of ans31 |
Count of ans33a |
Count of ans34 |
computer |
15 |
ans12 |
Total |
ans21 |
Total |
ans31 |
Total |
ans33a |
Total |
ans34 |
Total |
infoScience |
33 |
daily |
56 |
F |
20 |
citations |
2 |
offline |
1 |
choose |
54 |
mathematician |
13 |
no |
79 |
N |
34 |
citing |
7 |
offline,webServices |
1 |
favourably |
98 |
other |
3 |
occasionally |
28 |
T |
141 |
citing,cociting |
7 |
online |
17 |
unfavourably |
15 |
other:Academic Librarian |
1 |
regularly |
26 |
Grand Total |
195 |
citing,cociting,citations |
1 |
online,offline |
4 |
veryFovourably |
28 |
other:aircraft |
1 |
(blank) |
cociting |
2 |
online,offline,webServices |
6 |
Grand Total |
195 |
1 |
Grand Total |
189 |
pdf |
1 |
online,webServices |
15 |
other:Biologist |
4 |
Count of ans22 |
pdf,citing |
1 |
own |
24 |
other:Biologist (Neuroscience) |
1 |
ans22 |
Total |
pdf,citing,cociting |
2 |
own,offline,webServices |
2 |
other:Cognitive Neuroscientist |
1 |
Count of ans13 |
F |
16 |
pdf,citing,cociting,citations |
1 |
own,online |
5 |
other:Cognitive Psychologist |
1 |
ans13 |
Total |
N |
46 |
pdf,references |
2 |
own,online,offline |
4 |
Count of ans41 |
other:cognitive sciences |
1 |
alertsarXiv |
9 |
T |
133 |
pdf,references,citing |
3 |
own,online,offline,webServices |
6 |
ans41 |
Total |
other:cognitive scientist |
3 |
alertsarXiv,library |
1 |
Grand Total |
195 |
pdf,references,citing,cociting |
6 |
own,online,webServices |
28 |
exercise |
4 |
Scientist/Psychologist |
1 |
alertsarXiv,links |
2 |
ranking |
5 |
own,webServices |
15 |
results |
42 |
other:Computer science and
Brain science |
1 |
alertsarXiv,links,web |
2 |
ranking,citations |
1 |
webServices |
18 |
results,exercise |
67 |
other:Economist |
1 |
alertsarXiv,web |
1 |
ranking,citing |
2 |
(blank) |
(blank) |
other:EE (senior) undergradute |
1 |
alertsServices |
2 |
Count of ans23 |
ranking,citing,citations |
5 |
Grand Total |
146 |
Grand Total |
113 |
other:Engineer |
1 |
alertsServices,links,web |
1 |
ans23 |
Total |
ranking,citing,cociting |
9 |
other:Geomorphologist |
1 |
alertsServices,no |
1 |
F |
9 |
ranking,citing,cociting,citations |
1 |
other:Health scientist |
1 |
library |
4 |
N |
41 |
ranking,cociting |
1 |
Count of ans33b |
other:Immunology |
1 |
links |
4 |
T |
145 |
ranking,cociting,citations |
2 |
ans33b |
Total |
Count of submitTime |
other:Info professional |
1 |
links,web,library |
1 |
Grand Total |
195 |
ranking,pdf,citations |
1 |
3 |
submitTime |
Total |
other:Information manager |
2 |
no |
28 |
ranking,pdf,citing |
1 |
archives |
1 |
07- 02 |
1 |
other:information technology |
1 |
regular |
34 |
ranking,pdf,citing,cociting |
4 |
archives at Lanl |
1 |
07- 04 |
1 |
other:Librarian |
10 |
regular,alertsarXiv |
2 |
Count of ans24 |
ranking,pdf,citing,cociting,citations |
1 |
arXiv |
2 |
07- 05 |
4 |
other:life/health scientist |
1 |
regular,alertsarXiv,links |
5 |
ans24 |
Total |
ranking,pdf,references |
1 |
arXiv.org |
2 |
07- 06 |
2 |
other:media specialist |
1 |
regular,alertsarXiv,links,web |
2 |
F |
26 |
ranking,pdf,references,citing |
3 |
British Education Index |
1 |
07- 08 |
6 |
other:Medical, psychiatric,
holistic medicine |
1 |
regular,alertsarXiv,web |
1 |
N |
47 |
ranking,pdf,references,citing,cociting |
5 |
citation index |
1 |
07- 09 |
2 |
other:metallurgist |
1 |
regular,alertsServices,links,web |
1 |
T |
122 |
ranking,references |
1 |
CiteSeer |
3 |
07- 10 |
4 |
other:Neuroscientist |
1 |
regular,library |
2 |
Grand Total |
195 |
ranking,references,citing |
1 |
current contents |
1 |
07- 11 |
2 |
and physics interests |
1 |
regular,links |
6 |
ranking,references,citing,citations |
1 |
google |
5 |
07- 12 |
16 |
other:philosopher |
1 |
regular,links,web |
3 |
ranking,references,citing,cociting |
4 |
google search |
1 |
07- 13 |
8 |
other:Physics teacher |
1 |
regular,links,web,library |
4 |
Count of ans25 |
references,citing |
4 |
hepdata |
1 |
07- 14 |
4 |
other:psychiatrist |
1 |
regular,web |
3 |
ans25 |
Total |
references,citing,citations |
2 |
http://econpapers.hhs.se |
1 |
07- 15 |
7 |
other:psychologist |
3 |
regular,web,library |
2 |
F |
12 |
references,citing,cociting |
3 |
http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Misc/HCI/in |
1 |
07- 16 |
3 |
other:public health researcher |
1 |
web |
14 |
N |
50 |
references,citing,cociting,citations |
1 |
http://www.physics-network.org/PhysNet/physdoc.htm |
1 |
07- 17 |
3 |
other:Publisher |
1 |
web,library |
2 |
T |
133 |
search |
6 |
http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/hep/ |
1 |
07- 18 |
3 |
other:Research Librarian |
1 |
(blank) |
Grand Total |
195 |
search,citing |
1 |
Inspec |
4 |
07- 19 |
4 |
other:social science publisher |
1 |
Grand Total |
137 |
search,citing,citations |
1 |
Inspec (direct SilverPlatter, not WoK) |
1 |
07- 20 |
2 |
other:social scientist |
1 |
search,citing,cociting |
1 |
2 |
07- 22 |
6 |
other:sociologist |
2 |
Count of ans26a |
search,pdf |
1 |
1 |
07- 23 |
5 |
other:sociology |
1 |
ans26a |
Total |
search,pdf,citing |
4 |
ISI Web of Science |
5 |
07- 24 |
1 |
other:Technical marketing |
1 |
Count of ans14 |
E |
71 |
search,pdf,citing,cociting |
1 |
Library and IS Abstracts |
1 |
07- 26 |
3 |
physicist |
69 |
ans14 |
Total |
F |
13 |
search,pdf,references,citing |
2 |
LIta |
1 |
07- 28 |
1 |
(blank) |
no |
99 |
N |
58 |
search,pdf,references,citing,citations |
1 |
math reviews / Zentralblatt (online) |
1 |
07- 30 |
3 |
Grand Total |
190 |
yes |
86 |
X |
53 |
search,pdf,references,citing,cociting |
8 |
Mathscinet |
7 |
07- 31 |
1 |
(blank) |
Grand Total |
195 |
search,pdf,references,citing,cociting,citations |
1 |
Medline |
3 |
08- 02 |
2 |
Grand Total |
185 |
search,ranking |
2 |
medscape |
1 |
08- 04 |
1 |
search,ranking,citations |
2 |
Melvyl (Inspec) |
1 |
08- 05 |
1 |
search,ranking,citing |
1 |
most for what? In own field LISA |
1 |
08- 08 |
1 |
ans15 |
search,ranking,citing,cociting |
1 |
n/a |
1 |
08- 12 |
1 |
Count of ans26b |
search,ranking,citing,cociting,citations |
1 |
NASA ADS / ISI web of science |
1 |
08- 20 |
1 |
ans26b |
Total |
search,ranking,pdf |
4 |
1 |
08- 21 |
6 |
F |
27 |
search,ranking,pdf,citing |
2 |
ovid |
1 |
08- 22 |
6 |
N |
63 |
search,ranking,pdf,citing,cociting |
3 |
own bib list |
1 |
08- 23 |
6 |
T |
105 |
search,ranking,pdf,references,citing |
3 |
own web page |
1 |
08- 24 |
2 |
Grand Total |
195 |
search,ranking,pdf,references,citing,cociting |
5 |
Phys. Rev. B/Lett.
online |
1 |
08- 25 |
1 |
search,ranking,pdf,references,citing,cociting,citations |
8 |
ProQuest |
2 |
08- 26 |
2 |
search,ranking,references,citing |
1 |
psychinfo silver platter |
1 |
08- 27 |
6 |
Count of ans26c |
search,ranking,references,citing,cociting |
3 |
PsycInfo |
1 |
08- 28 |
2 |
ans26c |
Total |
search,ranking,references,citing,cociting,citations |
2 |
PubMed |
7 |
08- 29 |
1 |
n |
118 |
search,references,citing |
1 |
PubMed (Medline) |
1 |
08- 30 |
1 |
y |
18 |
search,references,citing,cociting |
3 |
PubMed, Psychoinfo |
1 |
08- 31 |
1 |
(blank) |
(blank) |
relevant databases and web of science |
1 |
09- 02 |
1 |
Grand Total |
136 |
Grand Total |
163 |
Research Index |
1 |
09- 04 |
2 |
sci cit index |
1 |
09- 05 |
1 |
Science Citation Index |
1 |
09- 06 |
1 |
Count of ans32 |
Science Citation Index 1988- (WOS) |
1 |
09- 08 |
1 |
Count of time |
ans32 |
Total |
Scisearch, Social SciSearch |
1 |
09- 09 |
1 |
time |
Total |
coverage |
50 |
Slac Q-spires |
1 |
09- 11 |
4 |
? |
1 |
exaplanations |
30 |
spires |
6 |
09- 12 |
3 |
>30 |
1 |
faster |
3 |
1 |
09- 13 |
3 |
10 |
15 |
interface |
11 |
UCI electronic library |
1 |
09- 14 |
3 |
10 minutes |
1 |
links |
6 |
was Reference Update, will probably become PubMed |
1 |
09- 16 |
1 |
10.25 |
1 |
other:a personalised link as a business card (see |
1 |
5 |
09- 17 |
1 |
11 |
6 |
other:A way to get BIBTEX format |
1 |
Web of Science /ISI SCI |
1 |
09- 18 |
1 |
11.21 |
1 |
other:Ability to extract reference lists from pape |
1 |
web of science and google |
1 |
09- 19 |
4 |
12 |
3 |
other:author search clarity
Strominger;Witten doe |
1 |
web services |
2 |
09- 21 |
1 |
13 |
4 |
other:better data processing |
1 |
WoS |
1 |
09- 23 |
2 |
14 |
4 |
other:Displayed comments from experts who read the |
1 |
www.webofscience.com |
1 |
09- 24 |
3 |
15 |
8 |
other:Explanations in a more obvious place e.g. a |
1 |
zetoc |
1 |
09- 26 |
2 |
16 |
2 |
other:facilities to download references |
1 |
(blank) |
09- 27 |
3 |
17 |
2 |
other:Help files giving examples of common procedu |
1 |
Grand Total |
103 |
09- 29 |
1 |
18 |
2 |
other:include journal articles/references |
1 |
10- 01 |
1 |
19 |
3 |
other:include journal references |
1 |
10- 07 |
3 |
20 |
5 |
other:method for keeping track of search/browse pa |
1 |
10- 08 |
1 |
21 |
1 |
other:more intelligence |
1 |
10- 10 |
3 |
22 |
1 |
other:more precision in indexing and therefore sea |
1 |
10- 12 |
1 |
23 |
1 |
other:more refined search capabilities |
1 |
10- 15 |
1 |
25 |
5 |
other:most browsed graphic indicator |
1 |
10- 16 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
other:not sure |
1 |
10- 17 |
1 |
32 |
1 |
other:null not found in explanation |
1 |
10- 18 |
1 |
4 |
10 |
other:one example worked thru all the way |
1 |
10- 22 |
1 |
4:45 |
1 |
other:Other presentation of the results |
1 |
10- 26 |
1 |
45 |
1 |
other:possibility to download selected referenceS |
1 |
10- 30 |
1 |
5 |
13 |
other:probably, dropping the idea |
1 |
11- 3 |
2 |
5.23 |
1 |
other:remove ranking etc. |
1 |
(blank) |
6 |
12 |
other:The index page generated by a search could g |
1 |
Grand Total |
190 |
7 |
18 |
papers |
30 |
7.42 |
1 |
(blank) |
8 |
7 |
Grand Total |
154 |
8 minutes |
1 |
8.41 |
1 |
9 |
5 |
9:03/12:36 |
1 |
approx 10 |
1 |
five |
1 |
lost track |
1 |
N |
1 |
stopped af |
1 |
twenty |
1 |
(blank) |
Grand Total |
148 |