Open access mandates: summary of provisions influencing preservation

Policies viewed on ROARMAP (Registry of Open Access Repository Material Archiving Policies)
This list of policy summaries last updated 9 March 2009 by Steve Hitchcock, Preserv 2 project

The following factors were examined for each policy:
A short paper presenting the findings from this survey is available.
For analysis, a spreadsheet summary of these findings is available.

Mandate policy summaries

Institution, Australia
Charles Sturt University
Mandate: ALL CSU staff are required to submit their peer-reviewed pre-publication manuscripts for the DEST Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) as an electronic file into CRO from 2007 onwards.
Locus of deposit: CRO (IR)
3. RESPONSIBILITIES Repository Administrators: > The repository may keep a copy of the material for security, back-up and preservation

Institution, Australia
Macquarie University
Mandate: mandates that all refereed, revised, final draft research manuscripts be deposited
Locus of deposit: in the Macquarie University Repository
Preservation X (VC blog, proposed, reported as accepted 29/8/08)
URL not given in ROARMAP

Australian Research Council
Mandate: "The ARC therefore encourages researchers to consider the benefits of depositing their data and any publications arising from a research project in an appropriate subject and/or institutional repository wherever such a repository is available to the researcher(s)."
Locus of deposit: subject and/or institutional repository
Preservation X

National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Mandate: "The NHMRC encourages researchers to consider the benefits of depositing their data and any publications arising from a research project
Locus of deposit: in an appropriate subject and/or institutional repository wherever such a repository is available to the researcher(s)
Preservation X
URL updated from ROARMAP

Institution, Australia
Queensland University of Technology
Mandate: "Material which represents the total publicly available research and scholarly output of the University is to be located in the University's digital or " E print " repository"
Locus of deposit: University's digital or " E print " repository
Preservation X
URL not given in ROARMAP

Institution, Australia
University of Tasmania
Mandate: "The University has however already mandated that all PhD and research Master theses must be deposited in the repository, at the time of degree completion"
Locus of deposit: IR
Preservation ?
Access to policy document restricted to UTAS Staff and Students

Institution, Austria
Fonds zur Foerderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Mandate: The FWF expects the results of the research it supports to be made public and when possible published also in digital form and made available free of charge on the Internet (open access)."
Locus of deposit: Open Access media on the Internet
Preservation X

Funder, Belgium
Research Foundation Flanders
Mandate: beneficiaries of FWO projects, mandates and credits must deposit the publications that result from FWO subsidies in a public "Open Access" database
Locus of deposit: a public "Open Access" database
Preservation X (in Dutch)

Institution, Belgium
Université de Liège
Mandate: For future publications, deposit in ORBi will be mandatory as soon as the article is accepted
Locus of deposit: IR
Preservation X (in French, blogged policy!)

multi-institutional, Brazil,
House of Representatives
Mandate: (proposed) that all Brazil's public institutions of higher education, as well as all research units, should be required to establish institutional repositories in which all the technical-scientific output of their academic and researcher staff must be deposited.
Locus of deposit: IRs
Preservation X (in Spanish)
URL updated from ROARMAP

Institution, Canada (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
Athabasca University
Mandate: requests that academic and professional staff deposit an electronic copy of any published research articles (as elsewhere accepted for publication)
Locus of deposit: in an Athabasca University repository
Preservation Quotes the SPARC definition of a Digital Repository as a ""collection capturing and preserving the intellectual output of a single or multi-university community"

Funder, Canada (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance (CBCRA)
Mandate: CBCRA requests that grant holders supply an electronic copy of final, accepted manuscripts funded in whole or in part
by CBCRA grants. These articles will be posted on the CBCRA Open Access Archive as soon as possible after publication.
Locus of deposit: CBCRA Open Access Archive, hosted by University of Toronto Libraries
Preservation: The Archive also strives to ensure permanent preservation of the published research findings supported by CBCRA grants, organized in one location. (news bulletin)

Funder, Canada
National Research Council (NRC)
Mandate: NRC has established a policy making it mandatory, starting in January 2009, for NRC institutes to deposit copies of all peer-reviewed, NRC-authored publications and technical reports in NPArC.
Locus of deposit: NRC Publications Archive (NPArC)
Preservation X

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Mandate: Grant recipients are now required to make every effort to ensure that their peer-reviewed publications are freely accessible through the Publisher's website (Option #1) or an online repository (Option #2)
Locus of deposit: (Option #2) PubMed Central or the grantee's institutional repository
Preservation: 5.1.2 Publication-related Research Data: CIHR now requires grant recipients to retain original data sets arising from CIHR-funded research for a minimum of five years after the end of the grant. This applies to all data, whether published or not. The grant recipient's institution and research ethics board may have additional policies and practices regarding the preservation, retention, and protection of research data that must be respected.

Funder, Canada
Fonds de la recherche en sante Quebec (FRSQ)
Mandate: FRSQ awardees or grant holders are encouraged to make all possible efforts to have their peer-reviewed publications posted on open-access Web sites
Locus of deposit: publisher's Web site (in the case of articles) or that of the organizer of the event (in the case of scientific conventions), or via online repositories
Preservation X

The Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute
Mandate: all researchers supported in whole or in part through the Canadian Cancer Society are required to make their published results of Canadian Cancer Society supported work publicly available.
Locus of deposit: Archives such as PubMed Central, researchers’ host institution websites, and/or open access journals are all acceptable
Preservation: Open access policy FAQ: PubMed central seeks to preserve and maintain unrestricted access

European Research Council (ERC)
Mandate: The ERC requires that all peer-reviewed publications from ERC-funded research projects be deposited on publication into
Locus of deposit: an appropriate research repository where available, such as PubMed Central, ArXiv or an institutional repository
Preservation: 3. Access to unprocessed data is needed not only for independent verification of results but, more importantly, for secure preservation and fresh analysis and utilisation of the data.

European Commission - 1 (based on a commissioned study (Jan. 2006) and its recommendations, not yet adopted)
Mandate: The following actions could be taken at the European level: (i) Establish a European policy mandating published articles arising from EC-funded research to be available after a given time period in open access archives, and (ii) Explore with Member States and with European research and academic associations whether and how such policies and open repositories could be implemented.
Locus of deposit: in open access archives
Preservation: RECOMMENDATION A4. GUARANTEE PERENNIAL ACCESS TO SCHOLARLY JOURNAL DIGITAL ARCHIVES (but doesn't say anything about preservation of public access versions)
This Communication's objective is to signal the importance of and launch a policy process on (a) access to and dissemination of scientific information2, and (b) strategies for the preservation of scientific information across the Union.

European Commission - 2
Mandate: A new clause added to the grant agreement in the chosen subject areas requires researchers to ensure their articles are freely available - pilot covers approximately 20% of the FP7 budget and will apply to specific areas of research under the 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7)
Locus of deposit: in the open access repository of their choice
Preservation: X (21 Aug. 2008)

European Heads of Research Councils (EUROHORCs)
Mandate: (proposed) It is strongly recommended that when ever possible they adopt the EURAB recommendations
Locus of deposit: in an open access repository
Preservation: It considers the proposed minimal standard as an intermediate step towards a system in which free access to all scientific information is guaranteed without jeopardizing the system of peer review, quality control, and long-term preservation. ... From EURAB report: “Suitable repositories should make provision for long-term preservation of, and free public access to, published research findings.”'+Recommendations+on+Open+Access+200805.pdf

European Research Advisory Board (EURAB)
Mandate: (proposed) recommends that the Commission should consider mandating all researchers funded under FP7 to [deposit] their publications resulting from EC-funded research
Locus of deposit: in an open access repository ... The repository may be a local institutional and/or a subject repository.
Preservation: Suitable repositories should make provision for long-term preservation of, and free public
access to, published research findings. ... OA repositories provide free access to the material contained in them and are also committed
to long-term preservation of the material;

CERN: European Organization for Nuclear Research
Mandate: require their researchers to deposit a copy of all their published articles
Locus of deposit: in an open access repository.
Preservation: Institutions have a much greater motivation than publishers to ensure papers are
preserved in the long term and many policies and procedures are already in place for
archiving documents that are in institutional electronic archives. Publication and
repository submission should be seen as complementary actions.

European University Association
Mandate: (proposed) University institutional policies should require that their researchers deposit (self-archive) their scientific publications
Locus of deposit: in their institutional repository
Preservation: Issues of access to research data, its archiving and preservation need further
attention from universities, funding agencies and scientific professional bodies, and are
subject to several initiatives at the national and European level which are not addressed
here (e.g. the Alliance for Permanent Access and European Digital Information
Infrastructure). ... B. Recommendations for National Rectors’ Conferences > should
encourage governments to work within the framework of the “Council of the European
Union Conclusions on Scientific Information in the Digital Age: Access, Dissemination and
Preservation” adopted at the EU Competitiveness Council meeting on 22nd23rd
November 2007. ... C. Recommendations for the European University Association > should continue to be visible and to rally expertise from Europe’s universities on Open Access issues to provide input to European and International events advancing
open access to scientific publications, research data and their preservation.

Institution, Finland
University of Helsinki
Mandate: requires that researchers working at the University deposit copies of their research articles published in academic research journals
Locus of deposit: in the open repository of the University.
Preservation: X

Funder, France (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
Agence Nationale de la recherche (ANR)
Mandate: l'ANR demande donc que, dans le respect des règles relatives à la propriété intellectuelle (propriété littéraire et artistique et propriété industrielle), et des règles de confidentialité inhérentes à des recherches, toutes les publications consécutives aux projets financés par elle
Locus of deposit: système d'archives ouvertes HAL
Preservation: see HAL?

Funder, France
Agence Nationale de la recherche (ANR) (Humanities and Social Sciences Branch)
Mandate: (July 2008), the ANR's SHS branch mandates that its researchers deposit
Locus of deposit: in HAL
Preservation: ?
ROARMAP statement only

Institution, France (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
INRIA (The French National Institute for Research in Computer Sciences and Control)
Mandate: INRIA scientists and their research partners will be strongly encouraged
Locus of deposit: to use HAL-INRIA as a repository for their research. ... Articles provided as LateX sources are automatically mirrored into ArXiv.
Preservation: ?
ROARMAP statement only

Institution-dept., France
Laboratoire de psychologie et neurosciences cognitives
Mandate: Allocation of funds to research teams is dependent upon members depositing pdf/rtf documents of all work accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
Locus of deposit: ?
Preservation: ?
ROARMAP statement only

Institution, Germany (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
Bielefeld University
Mandate: the Rectorate of Bielefeld University: 1. Strongly requests the scientific authors of the University to deposit a copy of all published and refereed articles
Locus of deposit: in the e-Scholarship Repository of the University
Preservation: ?
ROARMAP statement only

Institution, Germany (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
Humboldt University Berlin
Mandate: Humboldt-University recommends it’s scientists and researchers ... versions of already published articles should be deposited
Locus of deposit: on the Document and Publication Repository of Humboldt-University
Preservation: X

Institution, Germany (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
Potsdam University
Mandate: The Senate welcomes the fact that a growing number of Potsdam University researchers are filing copies of their published, reviewed articles ... The Senate encourages all researchers to follow this example
Locus of deposit: on the academic Publication Server, the institutional repository of Potsdam University.
Preservation: ?
ROARMAP statement only

Institution, Germany
Mandate: If papers are published in media that... require a subscription or other form of payment, copies shall [sic] be made available
Locus of deposit: through the organization's own public repository, Fraunhofer ePrint
Preservation: X

Institution, India
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
Mandate: 10th Senate meeting, NIT Rourkela resolution All research papers by faculty and students, MTech (Research) and Ph. D. thesis is to be self-archived
Locus of deposit: in Dspace@nitr (IR)
Preservation:  ?
ROARMAP statement only

multi-Institution, India
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
Mandate: All research papers published from all CSIR laboratories be made open access either by depositing the full-text and the metadata of each paper
Locus of deposit: in an institutional repository
Preservation: ?
ROARMAP statement only

Institution, India
Bharathidasan University
Mandate: Bharathidasan University has made it mandatory for all faculty members publishing in refereed journals to send their papers to the University Informatics Centre for deposit
Locus of deposit: in the university's Institutional Repository.
Preservation: ?
ROARMAP statement only

Funder, India
National Knowledge Commission
Mandate: all research articles published by Indian authors receiving any government or public funding must be made available under Open Access and should be archived in the standard OA format 
Locus of deposit: on his/her website. Further, as a national academic OA portal is developed, these same research articles should be made available through this portal.
Preservation: Open Educational Resources > Create distributed repositories of educational resources for managing the
acquisition, upkeep, and preservation of educational content

Health Research Board (HRB) of Ireland
Mandate: HRB strongly encourages authors of research papers to maximize the opportunities to make their results freely available, ... This position statement applies to peer-reviewed, original research publications that have been supported, in whole or part, by the HRB. ... The HRB requests the deposition,
Locus of deposit: in PubMed Central (PMC) or other recognised Open-Access repository
Preservation: X

Irish Higher Education Authority (HEA)
Mandate: All researchers must lodge their publications resulting in whole or in part from HEA-funded research
Locus of deposit: in an open access repository ... The repository should ideally be a local institutional repository
Preservation: Suitable repositories should make provision for long-term preservation of, and free public access to, published research findings.

Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology
Mandate: All researchers must lodge their publications resulting in whole or in part from IRCSET-funded research
Locus of deposit: in an open access repository ... The repository should ideally be a local institutional repository
Preservation: Suitable repositories should make provision for long-term preservation of, and free public access to, published research findings....
ROARMAP statement only. Original press release no longer accessible

Funder, Ireland
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
Mandate: "All researchers are required to lodge their publications resulting in whole or in part from SFI-funded research in an open access repository as soon as possible after publication."
Locus of deposit: in an open access repository ... Institutional and disciplinary repositories should be used in preference to an author’s own website. In the Life Sciences, PubMed Central and/or a future European PubMed Central should be used.
Preservation: 9 Suitable open access repositories should make provision for long-term preservation of, and continuing free public access to, their contents.

Institution, Italy
Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Mandate: All scientific works produced by ISS staff must be transmitted in electronic format to the Publishing Activities Unit of ISS
Locus of deposit: This Unit will immediately make them available on the ISS Intranet. The metadata will also be made available via DSpace.ISS (IR)
Preservation: the ISS has created an online digital repository which functions as the institutional archive for its publications, guaranteeing open access and long term preservation of research results. (email list archive)

Institution, Japan
Hokkaido University
Mandate: Hokkaido University strongly recommends that all researchers who belong to the university and conduct education and research activities should publicize their diverse and high levels of achievements
Locus of deposit: on this Collection site (IR) in accordance with the Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers' Operational Guidelines.
Preservation: Hokkaido University promotes the sustainable development and eternal preservation of this Collection

Norwegian Research Council
Mandate: NRC will require that articles that result from NRC research funding must be made available
Locus of deposit: through self-archiving
Preservation: ? (wiki page in Norwegian)

Norwegian Knowledge Centre for Health Services
Mandate: All scientific publications by NoKC research staff "must" be deposited at the time of acceptance
Locus of deposit: in Helsebiblioteket's Research Archive (HeRA), the new institutional repository launched by the NoKC health library (Helsebiblioteket)
Preservation: X

Institution, Portugal
Universidade do Minho
Mandate: authors or co-authors must archive their publications and documents
Locus of deposit: in RepositoriUM at University of Minho Institutional Repository,
Preservation: ?
ROARMAP statement only

Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Mandate: All researchers of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences are mandated by director's decree to immediately deposit their papers/articles
Locus of deposit: in the institutional Open Archive.
Preservation: X

Funder, Spain
Ministry of Science and Innovation
Mandate: (proposed) The researchers, whose research had been granted with public funds shall make publicly available a digital version of their own final draft
Locus of deposit: in open access repositories, disciplinary or institutional.
Preservation: ?
Unable to access translated version of Ley Nacional de la Ciencia en España (Draft of the National Law of Science in Spain). Said to include a chapter dedicated to Open Access. Mandate terms from Article 33 of the draft.

Funder, Spain
Government of the Principality of Asturias
Mandate: The Principality of Asturias has been resolved by agreement of the Governing Council of the Commonwealth a clear policy regarding the scientific output resulting from the Principality funded projects: ... Bases in aid and grants financed by public funds provided or managed by the Administration of the Principality of Asturias, whose purpose is to promote research, include a clause under which the beneficiary must self-archive its research results
Locus of deposit: in the Institutional Repository of the Principality of Asturias (RIA)
Preservation: X

Institution, Sweden (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
Lund University
Mandate: the Board of Lund University strongly recommends that: Researchers at Lund University, if possible, publish in journals with open access If no equivalent open access journal is available, researchers choose a journal allowing parallel publishing/deposition of the article
Locus of deposit: ?
Preservation: ?
ROARMAP statement only, linked policy no longer accessible

Institution, Sweden (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
University College of Boras
Mandate: All employees at the University College of Borås are recommended to deposit manuscripts
Locus of deposit: to BADA (IR)
Preservation: X
ROARMAP statement only

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
Mandate: requires OA archiving for the results of SNF-funded research.
Locus of deposit: Grantees may deposit their work in institutional or disciplinary repositories
Preservation: X

Institution, Switzerland
ETH Zürich
Mandate: Requires of staff and postgraduate students to post electronic copies of any research papers that have been accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal (post-prints), theses and other scientific research output (monographs, reports, proceedings, videos etc.), to be made freely available as soon as possible
Locus of deposit: into the institutional repository “ETH E-Collection”
Preservation: X URL not given in ROARMAP

Institution, Switzerland
University of St. Gallen
Mandate: The full text (post-print or pre-print) has to be published
Locus of deposit: in the institutional repository of the research platform of the University of St. Gallen
Preservation: X
ROARMAP statement only

Institution, Switzerland
University of Zurich
Mandate: require their researchers to deposit a copy of all their published and refereed articles
Locus of deposit: in the Institutional Repository
Preservation: X
ROARMAP statement only

Institution, Turkey
Middle East Technical University
Mandate: Require their researchers to deposit a copy of all their Masters and Ph.D. theses, published and refereed articles
Locus of deposit: in the Institutional Repository
Preservation: X
ROARMAP statement only

Institution, UK (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
Aberystwyth University
Mandate: Mandatory submission of successful research theses
Locus of deposit: IR?
Preservation: X
ROARMAP statement only

Institution, UK
University of Edinburgh
Mandate: requires researchers to deposit their research outputs
Locus of deposit: in the Publications Repository, and where appropriate in the Open Access Edinburgh Research Archive
Preservation: X

Dept, UK
Brunel University School of Information Systems Computing and Mathematics
Mandate: (The) School is supporting the initiative to make it compulsory for researchers to deposit their journal articles and theses
Locus of deposit: in BURA (Brunel IR)
Preservation: ?
Original press release unavaillable

Dept, UK
University of Southampton School of Electronics and Computer Science
Mandate: We have accordingly adopted the policy that all research output is to be self-archived
Locus of deposit: in the departmental EPrint Archive
Preservation: X

Funder, UK
Arthritis Research Foundation
Mandate: Self-archiving required at earliest opportunity
Locus of deposit: Deposit In Institutional Repository or Central Repository such as UK PubMed Central
Preservation: ?
ROARMAP statement only

Funder, UK
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Mandate: The AHRC requires that funded researchers: ensure deposit of a copy of any resultant articles published in journals or conference proceedings
Locus of deposit: in appropriate repository
Preservation: The outputs from current research must be preserved and remain accessible for future generations. (cf RCUK)

Funder, UK
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
Mandate: BBSRC will require a copy of any resulting published journal article or conference proceedings to be deposited
Locus of deposit: in an appropriate e-print repository, wherever such a repository is available. (Update: UKPMC may be appropriate for papers from all BBSRC funded research.)
Preservation: X
Policy on access to research outputs
Update on access to research outputs - November 2008

Funder, UK
British Heart Foundation
Mandate: the BHF requires that a copy of the final version of each peer-reviewed research paper accepted for publication, supported in whole or in part by BHF funding, shall be deposited
Locus of deposit: in UKPMC
Preservation: X

Funder, UK
Cancer Research UK
Mandate: it is a condition of funding that Cancer Research UK-funded researchers deposit an electronic copy of peer-reviewed, published papers arising from their Cancer Research UK funded work
Locus of deposit: in the UKPMC database.
Preservation: X

Funder, UK
Chief Scientist Office (Scottish Executive Health Department)
Mandate: A copy of the final, peer-reviewed version of all papers arising from the funded research and accepted for publication must be deposited
Locus of deposit: in a publicly accessible repository (UK PubMed Central)
Preservation: (datasets should be preserved in a way that encourages other analysts to use them.)

Department of Health (UK)
Mandate: The DH requires that ... electronic copies of any research papers that have been accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal (or final reports and / or executive summaries) which are supported in whole or in part by DH funding, are deposited
Locus of deposit: in UK PubMed Central (UKPMC) ... Deposition of a research paper, final report or executive summary into UKPMC does not prevent authors from also depositing a copy in the institutional or another subject-based repository should they choose to do so or be required to do so by their employing institution.
Preservation: The outputs from current and future research should be preserved and remain accessible for future generations. (cf RCUK)

Funder, UK
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Mandate: The ESRC's guidance is that its funded researchers should deposit the outputs from any research
Locus of deposit: in the ESRC awards and outputs repository
Preservation: X

Funder, UK
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
Mandate: EPSRC Council agreed at its December meeting to mandate open access publication, but that academics should be able to choose whether
Locus of deposit: they use the so-called green option (ie, self-archiving in an on-line repository) or to use the gold option (ie, pay-to-publish in an open access journal). Further details will be published in spring 2009.
Preservation: knowledge derived from publicly-funded research must be ... preserved and remain accessible for future generations (cf RCUK)

Funder, UK
JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee)
Mandate: JISC expects that the full text of all published research papers and conference proceedings arising from JISC-funded work should be deposited
Locus of deposit: in an open access institutional repository, or if that isn't available, ‘The Depot’ or a subject repository.
Preservation: X

Funder, UK
Medical Research Council (MRC)
Mandate: the MRC requires that electronic copies of any research papers accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, which are supported in whole or in part by MRC funding, are deposited
Locus of deposit: in UK PubMed Central (UKPMC). ... does not prevent authors from also depositing a copy in their own institutional or another subject-based repository should they choose to do so or be required to do so by their employing institution.
Preservation: X

Funder, UK
Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC)
Mandate: NERC will require that, for new funding awards, an electronic copy of any published peer-reviewed paper, supported in whole or in part by NERC-funding, is deposited at the earliest opportunity
Locus of deposit: in an e-print repository. NERC will establish an e-print repository to improve access to the outputs of its research centres. NERC staff will be expected to deposit copies of any published peer-reviewed papers, supported in whole or in part by NERC-funding, in the NERC repository. NERC award holders who do not have access to an appropriate repository through their host institution will be able to deposit in the NERC repository.
Preservation: X

Funder, UK
Science & Technology Facilities Council
Mandate: the full text of any articles resulting from the grant that are published in journals or conference proceedings, whether during or after the period of the grant, must be deposited
Locus of deposit: in an appropriate e-print repository, wherever such a repository is available
Preservation: X

Note. the seven research councils are guided by the Research Councils UK statement on access to research outputs
The outputs from current and future research must be preserved and remain accessible for future generations.
draft position statement on 'access to research outputs' (June 2005)
updated position statement on access to research outputs (June 2006)
The paper reaffirms the Research Councils' commitment to the guiding principles that publicly funded research must be made available and accessible for public examination as rapidly as practical; published research outputs should be effectively peer-reviewed; this must be a cost effective use of public funds; and outputs must be preserved and remain accessible for future generations. In recognition of the diverse research communities served by each Research Council individual Councils will publish guidelines for their communities on access to research outputs in each field.

Funder, UK
Wellcome Trust
Mandate: Requires electronic copies of any research papers that have been accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, and are supported in whole or in part by Wellcome Trust funding, to be deposited
Locus of deposit: into PubMed Central (or UK PubMed Central once established).
Preservation: X
Preservation: Long-term preservation. All papers deposited in PMC/UKPMC are sorted in a standard digital format (XML), thus ensuring that the record of medicine is preserved, irrespective of future changes in hardware or software environments.

Institution, UK
Napier University
Mandate: (Approved by Academic Board 25th April 2008.) Material which represents the total publicly available research and scholarly output of the University is to be located and deposited as fulltext
Locus of deposit: in the digital “Repository@Napier”.
Preservation: X
URL not given in ROARMAP

Institution, UK
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
Mandate: all research output is to be archived
Locus of deposit: in the departmental institutional repository
Preservation: X
ROARMAP statement only

Institution, UK
University of Glasgow
Mandate: (Approved by Senate on 5 June 2008) the University strongly encourages authors to deposit copies of their peer-reviewed published work
Locus of deposit: into the University’s Institutional Repository, Enlighten
Preservation: X

Institution, UK
University of Southampton
Mandate: will require that all of its staff deposit, wherever practicable, all of the outputs resulting from their research
Locus of deposit: in the "eprints@soton" institutional repository.
Preservation: X
ROARMAP statement only

Institution, UK
University of Stirling
Mandate: all journal articles, published from January 2007, are to be self-archived
Locus of deposit: in the University's Digital Research Repository
Preservation: Items will be retained indefinitely. will try to ensure continued readability and accessibility. Items may be migrated to new file formats where necessary. ...
URL not given in ROARMAP

Institution, USA
Cornell University (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
Mandate: The Senate strongly urges all faculty to deposit preprint or postprint copies of articles
Locus of deposit: in an open access repository such as the Cornell University DSpace Repository or discipline-specific repositories such as
Preservation: X

Institution, USA
MacArthur Foundation (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
Mandate: The Foundation encourages openness in research and freedom of access to underlying data by persons with a serious interest in the research. Grantees are also encouraged to explore opportunities 
Locus of deposit: to use existing and emerging internet distribution models
Preservation: X

Institution, USA
Temple University (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
Mandate: all doctoral dissertations completed at Temple University will be freely available online
Locus of deposit: through the University Libraries newly launched Digital Collections website.
Preservation: X

Institution, USA
University of California (not counted in ROARMAP mandate totals)
Mandate: University of California faculty shall routinely grant to The Regents of the University of California a license to place in a non-commercial open-access online repository the faculty member’s scholarly work published in a scholarly journal or conference proceedings.
Locus of deposit: The University of California eScholarship Repository is an open access repository in which UC faculty-authored materials can be placed to meet the goals of the policy.
Preservation: Trusted, publicly accessible repositories are those which provide reliable, long-term access to managed digital resources; are internet-accessible at no fee for the reader; have explicit preservation and governance policies; and use data formats and technology management that conform to industry standards. (Doesn't actually refer to eScholarship as a trusted repository.)

Funder, USA
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Mandate: The Director of the National Institutes of Health shall require that all investigators funded by the NIH submit or have submitted for them an electronic version of their final, peer-reviewed manuscripts
Locus of deposit: to the National Library of Medicine's PubMed Central
Preservation: to ensure the permanent preservation of these vital published research findings

Funder, USA
Autism Speaks
Mandate: All researchers who receive an Autism Speaks grant will be required to deposit any resulting peer-reviewed research papers
Locus of deposit: in the PubMed Central online archive
Preservation: X (public listserv)

Funder, USA
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
Mandate: An Institute laboratory head is responsible for ensuring that each original, peer-reviewed research publication on which he or she is a major author is freely available and downloadable
Locus of deposit: must be available through PubMed Central (biological or biomedical sciences) or in a comparable repository (other scientific fields)
Preservation: X

Institution-dept., USA
Harvard Law School
Mandate: Each Faculty member grants to the President and Fellows of Harvard College permission to make available his or her scholarly articles and to exercise the copyright in those articles.
Locus of deposit: Each Faculty member will provide an electronic copy of the final version of the article to the appropriate representative of the Provost’s Office ... The Provost’s Office may make the article available to the public in an open-access repository.
Preservation: X (blogged by Vice Dean for Library and Information Resources at Harvard Law School)

Institution-dept., USA
Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Mandate: as Harvard Law School
Locus of deposit:
Preservation: X

Institution-dept., USA
Harvard Medical School
Mandate: (proposed) would automatically make the NIH-required submissions to PubMed Central
Locus of deposit: online collection would be integrated with the new University-wide open-access institutional repository DASH (Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard)
Preservation: X

Institution-dept., USA
Stanford University School of Education
Mandate: Faculty members grant to the Stanford University permission to make publicly available their scholarly articles and to exercise the copyright in those articles. The policy will apply to all scholarly articles authored or co-authored while a faculty member of the School of Education
Locus of deposit: faculty members will provide an electronic copy of the final version to the appropriate representative of the Dean of Education's Office, who will make the article available to the public in an open-access repository operated by Stanford University....
Preservation: X
URL not given in ROARMAP

Funder, USA
Federal Research Public Access Act (FRPAA)
Mandate: (proposed) FRPAA will mandate OA. FRPAA applies to all federal funding agencies that spend more than $100 million/year on research grants to non-employees
Locus of deposit: Agencies may host their own OA repositories, or they may ask grantees to deposit their work in any OA repository meeting the agency's conditions of open access, interoperability,
Preservation: and long-term preservation

Locus of deposit: