Open Provenance Model Wiki
Open Provenance Model OPM was originally crafted in a meeting held in Salt Lake City in August 2007. OPM v1.00 was
released to the community in December 2007. The first OPM workshop in June 2008
involved some twenty participants discussing issues related this specification, and led
to a revised specification, referred to as OPM v1.01.
From the outset, the original authors’ intent has been to define a data model that
is open from an inter-operability viewpoint but also with respect to the community
of its contributors, reviewers and users. The early public release of v1.00, the first
OPM workshop and the revised specification v1.01 are testimony of the community
focus that is intended for OPM. This Wiki is set up to manage the collaborative effort
for subsequent revisions of OPM.
Governance of the Open Provenance Model
A lightweight, structured process, inspired by the open source community, is adopted to manage changes to the OPM specification.
The process, aimed at making decisions by consensus. is outlined in
Latest specifications
The latest specifications are available from
Work in Progress
In the process of completing the
Third Provenance Challenge, we have defined OPM v1.1. We have now started the
Fourth and Final Provenance Challenge. It is anticipated this activity will lead to revision v1.2. No timetable has been identified for producing this revision yet, but comments/suggestions can be added to
All activities related to v1.1 can be found at the page
Community Contributions
Profiles, i.e. specializations of OPM, with specific focus or for specific
application domains are encouraged. Authors should feel free to submit such
profiles by posting them on the
CommunityContributions pages. To gain community endorsement, such
profiles should go through the same revision process as the main OPM specification.
- July 2010: final version v1.1 was published. It should be referred to as: Luc Moreau, Ben Clifford, Juliana Freire, Joe Futrelle, Yolanda Gil, Paul Groth, Natalia Kwasnikowska, Simon Miles, Paolo Missier, Jim Myers, Beth Plale, Yogesh Simmhan, Eric Stephan, and Jan Van den Bussche. The open provenance model core specification (v1.1). Future Generation Computer Systems, July 2010. (DOI)
- June 10-11, 2009: A successful Provenance Challenge 3 Workshop involved some 25-30 participants (ThirdProvenanceChallenge), where it was decided to adopt a community process to produce a revision v1.1 to achieve the necessary inter-operability for completing the challenge.
Twiki registration
List of Editors available from
Contact Luc Moreau for registring on the TWiki.
Mailing list
A mailing list for challenge related issues has been set up. In order to subscribe please send
Once subscribed messages can be sent to
An archive is available from
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