OPTkey = {},
author = {Luc Moreau},
title = {An Open Provenance Model for Scientific Workflows},
howpublished = {Presentation at the HPC'06 Workshop (High Performance Computing and Grids)},
month = jul,
year = 2006,
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {Luc Moreau},
title = {Provenance: Progress Update},
howpublished = {Presentation at CT1 Technical Collaboration Meeting, Heathrow 06},
month = feb,
year = 2006,
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {Luc Moreau},
title = {Provenance: an open approach to experiment validation in e-Science},
howpublished = {University of Kent, Departmental Seminar, Canterbury, UK},
month = feb,
year = 2006,
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {Luc Moreau},
title = {Provenance: an open approach to experiment validation in e-Science},
howpublished = {University of Harvard, Institute of Innovative Computing
talk and University of Chicago, Computation Institute talk},
month = mar,
year = 2006,
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {Luc Moreau},
title = {Provenance: an open approach to experiment validation in e-Science},
howpublished = {IBM Watson talk},
month = may,
year = 2006,
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {Luc Moreau},
title = {Provenance: an open approach to experiment validation in e-Science},
howpublished = {Talk at Information Sciences Institute, University of
Southern California, Marina del Rey, CA},
month = aug,
year = 2006,
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {Luc Moreau},
title = {Provenance: an open approach to experiment validation in e-Science},
howpublished = {University of Birmingham, Departmental Seminar, Birmingham, UK},
month = nov,
year = 2005,
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {Luc Moreau},
title = {Provenance: an open approach to experiment validation in e-Science},
howpublished = {Intelligence Agents Multimedia Group, University of
Southampton, Group Seminar, Southampton, UK},
month = dec,
year = 2005,
ignorenote={full mp4, pod cast},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {Luc Moreau},
title = {Provenance: concepts, architecture and envisioned tools},
howpublished = {Invited Talk at Grid@Work'05, Sophia-Antipolis, France},
month = oct,
year = 2005,
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {Luc Moreau},
title = {Provenance-based reasoning in e-Science},
howpublished = {Invited Talk at Automated Reasoning Workshop ARW'05,
Edinburgh, UK},
month = jul,
year = 2005,
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
OPTkey = {},
author = {Paul Groth},
title = {Principles of High Quality Documentation for Provenance: A Philosophical Discussion },
url = {http://www.ipaw.info/ipaw06/slides/groth_ipaw_phil.ppt},
month = may,
year = {2006},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
OPTkey = {},
author = {Victor Tan},
title = {Security Issues in a SOA-based Provenance System},
url = {http://www.ipaw.info/ipaw06/slides/ipaw2006sec.ppt},
month = may,
year = {2006},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
OPTkey = {},
author = {Omer Rana},
title = {Provenance Support in SLAs},
url = {},
howpublished = {System Adaptation Workshop at Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
month = {September},
year = {2006},
OPTnote = {Participants included researchers from Vrije University and CSIRO
OPTannote = {}
OPTkey = {},
author = {Vikas Deora},
title = {Demonstration of Visualisation Tools},
url = {},
howpublished = {at UK eScience All Hands Meeting, Nottingham},
month = {September},
year = {2006},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
OPTkey = {},
author = {Vikas Deora},
title = {Demonstration of Visualisation Tools},
url = {},
howpublished = {Presented at at Open Grid Forum at the "Provenance Challenge" event, Washington DC},
month = {September},
year = {2006},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
OPTkey = {},
author = {Omer Rana},
title = {Distributed Scientific Workflows},
url = {},
howpublished = {Tutorial at IEEE CCGrid 2006 conference, Singapore},
month = {May},
year = {2006},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
OPTkey = {},
author = {Omer Rana},
title = {`Center of Excellence" model for Collaborative Problem Solving: A Case Study from
Modelling/Optimisation for Engineering Design},
url = {},
howpublished = {Presented at GridAsia 2006, Singapore},
month = {May},
year = {2006},
OPTnote = {The workshop focused on UK-Singapore Collaboration in
Grid Computing.},
OPTannote = {}
OPTkey = {},
author = {Omer Rana},
title = {Importance of Provenance in Scientific Collaborations over Grids},
url = {},
howpublished = {Workshop on Trend, Technologies and Collaborative Opportunities in High Performance
and Grid Computing, Bangkok},
month = {May},
year = {2006},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
OPTkey = {},
author = {Vikas Deora},
title = {Portlet Development in eXo},
url = {},
howpublished = {at the Virtual Research Environments workshop on "Developing and Deploying Tools and Services in the Emerging Portal Frameworks"},
month = {January},
year = {2006},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {Simon Miles},
title = {A Proof of Concept: Provenance in a Service Oriented Architecture},
howpublished = {Paper presentation at All Hands Meeting (AHM'05), Nottingham, UK},
month = jul,
year = 2005,
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {Javier V\'{a}zquez-Salceda},
title = {EU PROVENANCE project: an open provenance architecture for distributed applications},
howpublished = {Paper presentation at ECAI, the Fourth Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care},
year = 2006,
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
OPTkey = {},
author = {Javier V\'{a}zquez-Salceda},
title = {Applying Provenance in Distributed Organ Transplant Management},
url = {http://www.ipaw.info/ipaw06/slides/IPAW-OTMpaperv4.ppt},
month = may,
year = {2006},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
OPTkey = {},
author = {Guy Kloos},
title = {Provenance Implementation in a Scientific Simulation Environment},
url = {http://www.ipaw.info/ipaw06/slides/IPAW2006-Presentation-kloss.pdf},
month = may,
year = {2006},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
OPTkey = {},
author = {Simon Miles},
title = {Southampton Entry to the Provenance Challenge},
url = {http://twiki.ipaw.info/pub/Challenge/WorkshopAgenda/Southampton.ppt},
month = oct,
year = {2006},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}