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Declarative Systems & Software Engineering
Declarative Systems and Software Engineering
(DSSE) Research Group
Academic Staff
Professor: Peter Henderson
Reader: Hugh Glaser
Senior Lecturer: Pieter Hartel
Dr Michael Butler
Dr Gwil Edmunds
Dr Paul Garratt
Dr Andy Gravell
Dr Rachel Harrison
Ms Vicki Sivess
Dr Paul Soper
Research Staff and Research Students:
Typically 20-25
Industrial Collaborators
DRA, ECRC, IBM, ICL, Integrity Arts,
National Power, Pictorius, QC Technology, SRI,
NCC, X/Open
Further Information
DSSE Research Programmes
Software Engineering
Evolution of large systems
Process modelling and process support
Business process modelling
Non-functional requirements
Object-oriented repositories and environments
Metrics for object-oriented systems and functional
programming languages
Formal Methods
Calculational methods of formal refinement
Executable specifications
Tool integration for specification and proof tools
Declarative Systems
Functional programming
Logic programming
Visual dataflow programming
Implementation of the above targetting parallel and
distributed systems
Application areas include
operational research
smart cards
medical applications
distributed multimedia
DSSE Objectives
Past work as been concerned with developing technologies
and tools within the research areas. The emphasis has
now moved towards delivering those tools to users.
We also wish to promote interaction within the group
and with other groups in the department. This is
achieved by taking a real-world problem and bringing
in a range of experts to apply their knowledge to
different aspects of the problem.
This enables us to test our methods and technology in
the context of exemplar applications, while continuing
to develop and improve the technology in response to
user inputs.
Hugh Glaser
Declarative Systems & Software Engineering Group
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
28th December 1994