Collection-Intersect Join Algorithms for Parallel Object-Oriented Database Systems

David Taniar and Wenny Rahayu

One of the differences between relational and object-oriented databases (OODB) is that attributes in OODB can of a collection type (e.g. sets, lists, arrays, bags) as well as a simple type (e.g. integer, string). Consequently, explicit join queries in OODB may be based on collection attributes. One form of collection join queries in OODB is collection-intersect join queries, where the joins are based on collection attributes and the queries check for whether there is an intersection between the two join collection attributes We propose two algorithms for parallel processing of collection-intersect join queries. The first one is based on sort-merge, whereas the second is based on sort-hash. These algorithms play an important role in parallel object-oriented collection query processing, due to their superiority over the conventional methods, which are usually in a form of relational division.
Dr. David Taniar
Monash University,Gippsland School of Computing and Info. Technology,Churchill, Victoria 3842,Australia