Practical Simulation of Large-scale Parallel Programs and its Performance Analysis of the NAS Parallel Benchmarks

Kazuto Kubota and Kenichi Itakura and Mitsuhisa Sato and Taisuke Boku

A simulation technique for large-scale data parallel programs is described. The computation time of the parallel program is simulated using the instrumentation tool EXCIT. The communication time is simulated by a network simulator geneated by a network simulator generating system INSPIRE. The behavior of parallel programs on thousands of processors can be estimated within a practicable time. The Class B LU and MG programs of the NAS Parallel Benchmarks (ver.2.3) are simulated with various parameters changed. Experimental results show that a small cache size is enough to execute these benchmark programs effectively; however, communication overhead affects the total execution time.
Kazuto Kubota
Real World Computing Partnership,,1-6-1 Takezono, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki,,305-0032, JAPAN