White-Box Benchmarking

Emilio Hernandez and Tony Hey

Structural performance analysis of the NAS parallel benchmarks is usedto time code sections and specific classes of activity, such ascommunication or data movements. This technique is called {\emwhite-box benchmarking} because, similarly to white-boxmethodologies used in program testing, the programs are not treated asblack boxes. The timing methodology is portable, which isindispensable to make comparative benchmarking across differentcomputer systems. A combination of conditional compilation and codeinstrumentation is used to measure execution time related to differentaspects of application performance. This benchmarking methodology isproposed to help understand parallel application behaviour ondistributed-memory parallel platforms.
Emilio Hernandez
Departamento de Computacin ,Universidad Simn Bolvar,Apartado 89000,Caracas, Venezuela,