Achieving Portability and Efficiency through Automatic Optimisation: an investigation in Parallel Image Processing

D Crookes and P J Morrow and T J Brown and G McAleese and D Roantree and I T A Spence

This paper discusses the main achievements of the EPIC project. It includes a summary of new portable programming abstractions for image processing, and outlines the automatically optimising implementation which achieves portability of application code and efficiency of implementation on a distributed memory parallel system. Timings are given for optimised and unoptimised versions of typical image processing algorithms. The main conclusion is that it is possible to achieve portability with efficiency, for a specific application, by adopting a high level algebraic programming model, together with a transformation-based optimiser which reclaims the loss of efficiency which an algebraic approach traditionally entails.
D Crookes
Department of Computer Science,Queen's University Belfast,Belfast BT7 1NN,UK,