Contribution to Better Handling of Irregular Problems in HPF2

Thomas Brandes and Frederic Bregier and Marie Christine Counilh and Jean Roman

In this paper, we present our contribution for handling irregularapplications with HPF2.We propose a programming style of irregular applications closeto the regular case, so that both compile-timeand run-time techniques can be more easily performed. We use thewell-known tree data structure to represent irregular datastructures with hierarchical access, such as sparse matrices. Thisalgorithmic representation avoids the indirections coming from the standard irregular programming style.We use derived data types of Fortran 90 to define trees and some approved extensions of HPF2 for their mapping. We also propose a run-time support for irregular applications with loop-carried dependencies that cannot be determined at compile-time. Then, we present the TriDenT library, which supports distributed trees and provides run-time optimizations based on the inspector/executor paradigm.Finally, we validate our contribution with experimental results on IBMSP2 for a sparse Cholesky factorization algorithm.
Frederic Bregier
LaBRI,University Bordeaux I,33405 Talence Cedex, France