Verifying a Performance Estimator for Parallel DBMSs

E W Dempster and N T Tomov and J Lu and C S Pua and M H Williams and A Burger and H Taylor and P Broughton

Although database systems are a natural application for parallelmachines, their uptake has been slower than anticipated. This problemcan be alleviated to some extent by the development of tools topredict the performance of parallel database systems and provide theuser with simple graphic visualisations of particularscenarios. However, in view of the complexities of these systems,verification of such tools can be very difficult. This paper describeshow both process algebra and simulation are being used to verify theSTEADY parallel DBMS performance estimator.
M H Williams
Professor of Computer Science,,Dept of Computing and Elec Eng,,Heriot-Watt University,,Riccarton,,Edinburgh,,Scotland,,EH14 4AS.