Parallel Constant Propagation

Jens Knoop

Constant propagation (CP) is a powerful, practically rele vant optimization of sequential programs. However, up to now there is no adaption to the parallel setting. In fact, because of the computational complexity introduced by the state explosion problem, the successful transfer of sequential techniques to the parallel setting is currently re stricted to bitvectorbased optimizations, which because of their struc tural simplicity can be enhanced to parallel programs at almost no costs on the implementation and computation side. CP, however, is beyond this class. Enhancing the framework for efficient bitvector analyses of parallel programs of [13, 15], we develop a powerful algorithm for parallel constant propagation (PCP), which can be implemented as easily and as efficiently as its sequential counterpart for simple constants, which are computed by stateoftheart sequential optimizers.
Jens Knoop
Universitaet Passau,D-94030 Passau,,Germany