Virtual Time Synchronization In Distributed Database Systems

A. Boukerche, T. LeMaster, S. Das, A. Datta

Virtual time is the fundamental concept in optimistic synchronisation schemes. In this paper, we investigate the efficency of a distributed database management system (DDBMS) synchronised by virtual time using a LAN connected collection if SPARCS. To the best of our knowledge, there is little data reporting VT performance in DDBMS. The experimental results are compared with a multiversion timestatmp ordering (MVTO) concurrency control method, a widely used techinque in distributed databases, and approximately 25-30% reduction in the responce time is observed when using the VT synchronisation scheme. The reason for choosing MVTO for comparison is that both virtual time and MVTO protocols are based upon the concept of timestamps, and attain high performance by using multiple version of data objects. Our results demonstrate that the VT synchronisation approach is a viable alternative concurrency control methid for distributed database systems and outforms MVTO as the number of conflicts increase.
Prof. Sajal K. Das
P.O Box 311366, Dept. of Computer Science, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas 76203-1366, USA