Beam problem

An example of the constrained Beam problem



This example plots the objective function surface of the Beam problem.


>> input= createBeamStruct;

>> input.MC_TYPE = 4;

>> input.NITERS = 500;

>> output = OptionsMatlab(input)


output =


       VARS: [2x1 double]

     OBJFUN: 2.9269e+003

       CONS: [5x1 double]

     OBJTRC: [1x1 struct]

    CONSTRC: [1x1 struct]


>> optimisationTerrain(output,input,3)


Figure 5 The valid objective function surface of the Beam problem



beamcon_parallel                parallel version of the constraint function

beamcon_parallel_parse     parallel version of the constraint function

beamcon_parallel2          parallel version of the constraint function

beamcon_parallel2_parse2   parallel version of the constraint function

beamfun_parallel                parallel version of the objective function

beamfun_parallel_parse     parallel version of the objective function

beamfun_parallel2          parallel version of the objective function

beamfun_parallel2_parse    parallel version of the objective function

beamobjcon                 constraint function

beamobjfun                 objective function

createBeamStruct                            creates an input structure for the beam problem

createBeamStructParallel   creates an input structure for the parallel invocation of the beam problem

createBeamStructParallel2  creates an input structure for the parallel invocation of the beam problem using optjobparallel2

createBeamStructRSM        creates an input structure for the generation of a RSM for the beam problem


Banana problem


Bump problem

Copyright © 2007, The Geodise Project, University of Southampton