ITCR is open to all members of the Scout and Guide movements. There are no age limits, but riders are handicapped by adding one minute to each rider’s time for each year by which his or her age exceeds 14 on the day of the race.  For example, an 18-year-old will have 4 minutes added to his/her actual time. Maximum handicap is 6 minutes.

ITCR is a time-trial, with riders starting at half-minute intervals.  The winner is the rider completing the course in the shortest time after adding handicap.  The Team Trophy is awarded to the Group whose three fastest riders have the fastest aggregate time after adding handicaps.

Prizes are offered:

ITCR is held early in the day to avoid inconvenience to the public. Any rider who meets an angler or a pedestrian must dismount.  Riders must proceed on foot where "no cycling" signs are displayed, and marshals will disqualify any rider failing to do so, as they have in the past.

An overtaking rider has right of way over the rider he/she is passing who must dismount if necessary to let him/her past.

The start is at 447158 (near Mansbridge). The course runs about 7 miles northwards to finish at 467223 near Brambridge House. It follows the old canal; Chickenhall Lane is out of bounds.  The course record set by Robert Line in 1994, is 27 minutes 2 seconds.

ITCR starts at 0730 hours. Riders should be at the start 15 minutes beforehand. AN ENTRY FEE OF £2.00 PER RIDER WILL BE COLLECTED AT THE START. NO FEE, NO START.

A marshal will be at each road crossing. After the last rider has started a marshal will ride over the course with a tool kit.

Cycles will be inspected at the start to ensure that they comply with the law in regard to brakes.  Mudguards are not recommended.  Crash-hats are recommended: in 1993 a rider was injured when he hit his head on an overhanging tree.

A hot drink will be available at the finish. Prize giving is likely to finish by lOO0 hours.  Spectators are welcome PROVIDED THEY PARK THEIR CARS WHERE DIRECTED BY THE MARSHALS.