High Performance Computing

Commodity Links

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Nicole, D.A., Takeda, K. and Wolton, I.C., "HPC on DEC Alphas and Windows NT", Proc. HPCI Conf. 98, Manchester 12-14, 1998.

Cox, S.J., Nicole, D.A. and Takeda, K.,"Commodity High Performance Computing at Commodity Prices", WOTUG-21, Proc. 21st World Occam and Transputer User Group Technical Meeting, 1998.

S.J.Cox, G.J.Daniell and D.A.Nicole, ' Using Maximum Entropy to Double One's Expected Winnings in the UK National Lottery 1998', J.R.Statist.Soc.D 47, 1998, 629-641.

Cox, S.J, Daniell, G.J. and Nicole, D.A., "Maximum Entropy, Parallel Computation and Lotteries", Proc. 1998 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, Las Vegas, 1998.

Emerson, D.R., Maguire, K., Takeda, K., and Nicole, D.A., "An Evaluation of Cost Effective Parallel Computers for CFD", Proc. 10th International Conference on Parallel CFD, Taiwan, May 1998.

Takeda, K., Tutty, O.R. and Nicole, D. A., "Parallel Discrete Vortex Methods on Commodity Supercomputers; An Investigation into Bluff Body Far Wake Behaviour", Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Vortex Flow and Related Numerical Methods, Toulouse, August 1998.


The Beowolf Project, http://www.beowulf.org/

Linux Helps Bring Titanic to Life, Linux Journal, http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=2494

WinMPICH for Windows NT, http://www.erc.msstate.edu/mpi/mpiNT.html

UC San Diego, High Performance Virtual Machine/Illinois Fast Messages project

PVM for Windows NT, http://www.epm.ornl.gov/pvm/NTport.html

WinVNC from Olevetti Research Lab (now AT&T) http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc

University of Southampton iT Innovation Centre, developing NT cluster technology for industry


We would like to thank the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the following companies for supporting our commodity supercomputing research:

Details of the current state of this work are given on the status page. Please feel free to contact ktakeda@soton.ac.uk regarding this research. Last updated 17 December 1998.