High Performance Computing High Performance Computing University of Southampton

Friday, 9th February 2001, 1pm

Titles : (1) An expandable and flexible software generation environment for the finite element method
(2) A brief overview of activities at CCRLE
Speakers : Mr Hidehiro Fujio, C&C Research Laboratories, NEC Europe / NEC Corporation
Dr Guy Lonsdale, Manager, C&C Research Laboratories, NEC Europe Ltd.
Keywords : Partial Differential Equations (PDE's), Finite Element Method (FEM), Problem Solving Environment (PSE), FE program generator

Abstract :

The numerical solution of partial differential equations by the finite element method mostly consists of three stages. We are developing a software tool that produces complete finite element codes from users' descriptions of their problem in a mathematical style. This tool consists of three interacting components, which correspond to the above-mentioned stages. The first component is a program generator for the routines for the calculation of the element stiffness matrices and load vectors. This component converts a continuous problem into a discrete problem. The second component is a program generator for the solver routines for the discrete problem. This component is integrated with the first in order to allow solver-dependent matrix assembly of the element stiffness matrices. The final component is a generator for routines to control features for more complex solution methods (for example, control of some outer iteration scheme), calculate derived quantities and provide post-processing interfaces.

Currently, we are focussing on improvements to the second of the three components. Most sophisticated linear solvers, for example, multigrid solvers or parallel solvers, are rather complicated and difficult to use. Our approach is to build a knowledge-based system that allows the information stored in the element stiffness matrices, generated by the first component, to be provided to various solver libraries in the correct format for use by those libraries. Data partitioning for parallel execution is included within this process. The approach is not limited to linear analyses but can also be applied for nonlinear problems.

In our presentation, we will talk about the program structure of our tool and in particular on the flexible approach by which additional solver libraries may be included.

About the speaker :

Mr Fujio is a graduate of the University of Tokyo and has been engaged in the development of software tools for the finite element method since joining NEC Corp. in 1990. He is currently a research staff member at C&C Laboratories, NEC Europe, in St. Augustin, Germany.

Guy Lonsdale is a senior research staff member at the C & C Research Laboratory. His area of activities is parallel algorithms and applications. Current activities include investigations of the use of the HPF approach for the crashworthiness code PAM-CRASH, contributing to the ESPRIT Long Term Research project HPF+ as part of a collaboration with ESI.

Further Information :



Last updated 6th February 2001. Maintained by M.Molinari.