Numerical Analysis II
An overview of advanced numerical methods, such as solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, and optimization methods (such as genetic algorithms).
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Numerical Analysis
Allows you to choose a solution technique for your problem which is
The question "why bother?" often arises, to which the answer is "to avoid investing time and effort in solving the wrong problem."
References names used in the text are shown in square brackets after the book name e.g. [NR] for Numerical Recipes.
See also Ken Thomas’ multigrid bibliography:
Differential Equations
Most physical phenomena in science and engineering can be described in terms of an underlying differential equation (or set of differential equations).
The general strategy will always be to re-write differentials in terms of finite differences:
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There are many different choices for finite difference schemes, and appropriate use of the correct scheme is at the heart of ensuring that the solution method is stable.
Ordinary Differential Equations
e.g. y’ = f (t , y)
Initial value problems
We know the yi for some starting xj, and we would like to know them for later xj. Conceptually we start at the initial value and march out cautiously along the function. Methods to use are the Runge-Kutta technique (see Numerical Recipes 16.1), or adaptive techniques, which attempt to control the errors in the solution by taking smaller steps where necessary (see NR, 16.2).
Two point boundary values problems
Here the value of y is fixed at (usually) the beginning and the end of the region of interest. These are much harder than initial value problems, since we must only consider functions which obey the boundary conditions. Conceptually we start at the beginning of the region and "shoot out" to the end of the region: on successive iterations we aim to match the boundary conditions.
If the ratio of the largest : smallest eigenvalues of the system matrix is large, then the system of equations will be stiff. This ratio is measures by the condition number of the matrix. In this case, great care must be taken: solving stiff problems can lead to a dramatic loss of precision. See NR 16.6, or Stoer and Bullirsch 7.2.16. Consider using an implicit method (see below).
Implicit vs Explicit methods
In explicit methods, it is possible to solve (at a point) directly for the value of all unknowns in the finite difference scheme.
In an implicit scheme, there is no explicit formula at a points, only a set of simultaneous equations which must be solved to give the solution over the whole grid. Implicit methods are stable for all step sizes.
Partial Differential Equations
In contrast to ODEs, a partial differential equation relates a number of variables and their derivatives.
Hyperbolic Equations
Wave equation
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Parabolic Equations
Diffusion Equation
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Elliptic Equations
Poisson equation
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Initial Value Problems
Here we wish to propagate the solution forward in time.
Boundary Value Problems
The solution is static.
The Multigrid method
This is a most important method for the solution of linear (and non-linear) elliptic equations. It is O(N), where N is the number of grid points. The key idea is to introduce a hierarchy of grids. Methods, such as Gauss-Seidel tend to stall, since they do not attenuate smooth error modes. However, on a coarser grid, it is not possible to represent these smooth errors, so by alternating between fine and coarse grids, the system relaxes more quickly.
Finite Element Methods
Used extensively in engineering for elliptic PDE solution over irregular bodies. There is extensive literature on these techniques and where they are useful. In principle a finite element calculation consists of
Optimization Methods
The general optimization problem can be stated as follows:
"Minimize F(x) subject to g(x)"
F(x) is the objective function, and the set of functions g(x) are the constraints, which may be linear or non-linear.
General Optimization Algorithm
With derivatives or without?
In the simplest case where we wish to minimize F(x), the most important question is whether you can compute the derivatives of F(x).
With Derivatives
No derivatives
Genetic Algorithms
These are a powerful optimization technique, which rely on natural selection. There are many variants, and this is an area of active research. We will be holding a mini- workshop on these methods with the CEDC in February (keep an eye on our seminar page for details
Again constraints may be incorporated by a repair algorithm after breeding / mutation (to ensure that the solutions remain feasible), or by using a penalty function.
Advantages of genetic algorithms
Disadvantages of genetic algorithms
Before applying a numerical method to a problem understand carefully any possible problems which may arise, and ensure that the implementation you have chosen is
Certain problems are intrinsically "hard", but well understood: you should recognise them and choose the appropriate solution technique.
The techniques discussed and the problems which arise are exemplars for other areas of numerical analysis.
Last updated 3-Dec-97. Maintained by SJ Cox