Dr Angela Gallagher-Brett, BA MA PGCE PhD

Senior Academic Coordinator
Angela has a background in education. She is an experienced language teacher, academic developer, project manager and researcher with particular interests in language learning motivation, learning and teaching in higher education and transition from school to university. She is National Programme Manager for Routes into Languages and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Angela can be contacted by
Email: llas@soton.ac.uk | Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 4814 | Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 4815
I did my first degree in European Studies at Queen Mary, University of London. I went on to do a PGCE in Modern Languages and taught French and German in the secondary sector and EFL in France before moving into higher education. I joined LLAS in 2003 after having worked as a research assistant at the Universities of Southampton and Surrey. I have an M.A. in Education and a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Southampton. My PhD research focused on language learners’ motivational beliefs about speaking in secondary education. I also have a keen interest in language teaching motivation, transition from school to university and the postgraduate student experience and have published research in these areas. I also work part time as Learning Development Manager at SOAS, University of London.
- Project-managing the HEFCE-funded national Routes into Languages programme
- Doctoral research training in the Faculty of Humanities
- Supervising doctoral students in Modern Languages
- Evaluating the Routes into Languages programme
- Mentoring for the UK Professional Standards Framework
- Developing workshops for professional development in the areas of language teaching and social science research methods
- Designing and carrying out research and development projects concerning language teaching and learning across different education sectors
Key achievements
- Routes into Languages first-year undergraduate surveys (2011-12; 2012-13)
- Language teachers’ motivational self-efficacy and open educational practice (with Kate Borthwick – 2012-13)
- Routes into Languages Event Evaluations (2011-12)
- Routes into Languages Pupil Attitude Survey (2010)
- Transition from school to university in modern languages (2007-08)
- Survey of language undergraduates’ attitudes to reading (2006)
- 700 Reasons for Studying Languages (2004)
- Why study languages website www.whystudylanguages.ac.uk (with Southampton students, 2010)
- Studying languages at university website www.studyinglanguages.ac.uk (with Southampton students, 2010)
Why study languages – resources for KS3/4 learners (leading LLAS team)
- TXT SPK resources (2011)
- I love languages activity pack (2010)
- Why study languages calendar (2009, 2010, 2011)
- Why study languages CD (2005)
- 700 Reasons for studying languages database (2004)
- Borthwick, K., and Gallagher-Brett, A. (2014) ‘Inspiration, ideas, encouragement’: teacher development and improved use of technology in language teaching through open educational practice, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Vol. 27 (2), pp. 163-183
- Gallagher-Brett, A., Doughty, H. & McGuinness, H. (2014) Social capital and modern language initiatives in times of policy uncertainty, Scottish Languages Review, Issue 27, pp. 39-52 http://www.scilt.org.uk/Portals/24/Library/slr/issues/27/27-5%20GallagherBrett-Doughty-McGuinness.pdf
- Gallagher-Brett, A. (2014) Let nation speak unto nation, The Tablet, 13 February 2014
- Gallagher-Brett, A. (2013) What is 1000 words worth? Vocabulary size and language competency http://www.speaktothefuture.org/1000-words
- Borthwick, K. & Gallagher-Brett, A. (2013) Open Practice and Professional Development: Case Studies of Language Educators. Paper presented at Storyville: Exploring Narratives of Learning and Teaching. The 2nd annual Higher Education Academy Arts and Humanities Conference, Brighton, May 2013.
- Gallagher-Brett, A. (2012) Routes into Languages: Event Evaluations in England 2011-2012. Southampton: Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies.
- Gallagher-Brett, A. (2012) Routes into Languages first-year undergraduate survey in England and Wales: students’ prior engagement with languages outreach and enrichment activities. Southampton: Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies.
- Gallagher-Brett, A. & Broady, E. (2012) Guest Editorial: Teaching languages in higher education, Language Learning Journal, Vol. 40 (3), pp. 263-271.
- Gallagher-Brett, A. & Canning, J. (2011) Disciplinary disjunctures in the transition from secondary school to higher education study of Modern Foreign Languages: A case study from the UK, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 10 (2), 171-188.
- Canning, J. & Gallagher-Brett, A. (2010) Building a bridge to pedagogic research: teaching social science research methods to humanities practitioners, Journal of Applied Language Research in Higher Education, 2 (2), 3-9.
- Gallagher-Brett, A. (2007) What do learners’ beliefs about speaking reveal about their awareness of learning strategies, Language Learning Journal, 5 (1), 37-49.
- Gallagher-Brett, A. (2006) Hard-going but worth it: A snapshot of attitudes to reading among languages undergraduates, Southampton: LLAS Subject Centre.
- Gallagher-Brett, A. (2004) Seven hundred reasons for studying languages, Southampton: LLAS Subject Centre.
- Kelly, M., Grenfell, M., Gallagher-Brett, A., Jones, D., Richard, L. & Hilmarsson-Dunn, A. (2002) The Training of Teachers of a Foreign Languages: Developments in Europe, [Online – available: ec.europa.eu/education/languages/pdf/doc493_en/pdf.
- Gallagher-Brett, A. (2001) Teaching communication strategies to beginners, Language Learning Journal, 24 (1), 53-61.