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University of Southampton OCS (beta), CAA 2012

Enemy at the Gates – Prediction models of the siege tactics at the castles in the 15th century
Petr Koscelník

Last modified: 2011-12-22


Medieval war conflicts were in close connection to the landscape. It is known from the Czech medieval military orders that there was an appeal to use advantageous positions in the landscape. Study of resources allows us to identify several tactic principles which were considered standard or at least highly-desirable. These tactics can provide us with patterns in archaeological sources which can be, however, predictable by GIS analyses with certain accuracy.

This paper is aimed to use of the combination of several computer applications:
3D scans and 3D modeling, ArcGIS usage for extraction spatial datasets with combination LiDAR layer and building the spatial prediction model, and processing of the spatial datasets in factor analysis. The aim of the application is other archaeological object, than have been ever used. In this way it is complex of computer application applied on the small range conflict areas. The result of this paper is the method of the construction the spatial prediction model of the castle siege in the 15th century probably usable in wider Europe territory.
The dataset for the prediction models were extracted from rectified plans, LiDAR layers and geodetic measuring of the siege relicts and projectiles. The dataset contains number of 595 features which has been discovered in last 30 years. From raster layers were extracted data for the factor analysis and limit spatial data. From the results was constructed spatial prediction model. One of the conditions in the model was presence or absence in the active shooting castle area. This area can be reconstructed with metal detector investigation or with the computer simulation. We can map the place with the use combination 3D model of the loopholes and 3D scans of the weapons in the case of so far standing castles. The final spatial prediction model was constructed with conditions and count on the prepared raster layers. Prediction models were tested by archaeological researches and metal detector surveys.


3D model; 3D scanning; castle; conflict archaeology; GIS; medieval; metal detector survey; predictive model; siege earthwork; siege warfare; spatial analysis