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University of Southampton OCS (beta), CAA 2012

Integrated survey, mapping and interpretation of abandoned Roman towns in Adriatic Italy
Frank Vermeulen, Geert Verhoeven, Francesca Carboni

Last modified: 2011-12-13


Since 2005 a team from Ghent University (Belgium) has coordinated intensive non-invasive  intra-site surveys on several abandoned Roman towns in central-Adriatic Italy. These high resolution field surveys include : geophysical surveys (such as GPR surveys , geomagnetic prospection and earth resistance surveys), active aerial photography (including Near Infra Red and UV photography from UAV), geomorphological surveys, surface artifact collection, geomatic and micro-topographical field observations. A GIS-based integration of all survey data, maps and re-studied legacy data has procured a formidable database for the computer aided digital 3D mapping and interpretation of these complex ancient sites. This work, incorporated in the EC funded project Radio-Past,  not only contributes strongly to the understanding of Roman urbanization in this part of Italy, but also supports and innovates the use of integrated approaches to geospatial mapping and analysis in archaeology. Several  advanced ways of data analysis and fusion will be discussed, in the light of currently available commercial and open source software solutions.


survey; geospatial; GIS; integration