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University of Southampton OCS (beta), CAA 2012

Visitor movement and tracking techniques. A methodological approach.
Angeliki Chrysanthi

Last modified: 2012-03-05


[submitted as poster or short paper]

Part of my on-going research on movement in augmented archaeological sites, investigates how architectural remains and interpretative on-site infrastructure impact the way we move in such spaces. Taking into account that each archaeological site has a certain spatial character, it is suggested that design approaches should be informed by formal observation methodologies of how the site itself affords movement (Peponis et al. 2004). It has also been argued that visibility constitutes a critical factor which influences visitors’ spatial behavior (Kaynar 2005).

A critical point of this research is to develop a hybrid model for managing movement around archaeological sites and to revisit design methodologies for visitor itineraries. Apart from recognised forms of observation and the collection of qualitative data about visitors’ movement, technologies such as eye-tracking, GPS body tracking and geo-tagging are deployed.

This poster will demonstrate the methodology followed in order to document visitors’ movement in the archaeological site of Gournia in Greece, and obtain an insight of the patterns of movement influenced by certain affordances provided by the sites. Additionally, the methodology extends to a visitor-sourced approach of the site's ''hot spots''.  



Kaynar, I. 2005. Visibility, movement paths and preferences in open plan museums: an observational and descriptive study on Ann Arbor Hands-on Museum. In Proceedings (Volume II) 5th International Space Syntax Symposium, Delft, the Netherlands. 

Peponis J, Conroy-Dalton R, Wineman J, Dalton N, 2004, “Measuring the effects of layout upon visitors' spatial behaviors in open plan exhibition settings” Environment and Planning (B): Planning and Design 31, 253-273


visitor movement; tracking technologies; affordances; methodology; design