The Portus Project: Simulating the Ship-sheds
Last modified: 2011-12-21
Under the direction of Professor Simon Keay from the University of Southampton, recent excavations at the site of Portus saw the discovery of a massive building. The Roman port, located near to Rome's international airport was once the maritime port of Imperial Rome and the discovery may have played an important role in ship manufacture. The building is rectangular in form and extended 145m along the Trajanic hexagonal basin, nestled in the very heart of the waterways.
Using procedural modelling techniques such as City Engine and then transferring these into high fidelity rendering within 3DS Max, the Archaeological Computing Research Group at the University of Southampton, led by Dr Graeme Earl, developed a range of interpretations to examine the many possibilities for both the aesthetic and practical uses of this building. This poster will explore the current developments in the application of these technologies to this structureKeywords
Portus; Roman; 3D Graphics