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Rizzo, Alessandro
Robbins, Katherine, University of Southampton, The Portable Antiquities Scheme
Roberti, Roberto, DEI - University of Bologna
Robertson, Gillian, Associate lecturer, University of Southampton
Robertsson, Jim, HUMlab, Umeå University (Sweden)
Robson, Stuart, University College London
Rocks-Macqueen, Doug, University of Edinburgh
Rodier, Xavier, CNRS - Université de Tours<br />
Rodier, Xavier, CNRS -Université François Rabelais de Tours
Rodrigues, Ana Maria Moreira, INESC TEC - INESC Tecnologia e Ciência /ISCAP - Instituto Politécnico do Porto / Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Rodrigues, Romulo, University of Pisa
Rodriguez-Rocha, Ramses, IPN
Rodríguez-Temiño, Ignacio, <p>Conjunto Arqueológico de Carmona</p>
Rohlfing, Jens, Technical University Darmstadt SzM
Rojo, M.Carmen, University of Barcelona
Rojo-Ariza, Maria Carmen, University of Barcelona
Rolland, Jannick, University of Rochester<p>The Institute of Optics</p><p>Rochester, New York 14627</p>
Romandini, Matteo, University of Ferrara
Romero, Mireia, University of Barcelona
Romero Ordóñez, Antonio, <p>Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería</p><p>Universidad de Sevilla</p><p>Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n, 4092</p><p>Sevilla, España</p><br />
Romero Ordóñez, Antonio, Universidad de Sevilla
Rondelli, Bernardo, Institució Milà i Fontanals, Spanish National Research Council (IMF-CSIC)<!-- @page { margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; line-height: 150%; text-align: justify; page-break-before: auto } P.cjk { font-size: 10pt; font-weight: norm
Rondelli, Bernardo, CASES, Institució Milà i Fontanals. National Spanish Research Council (IMF-CSIC) (Spain)
Rondelli, Bernardo, CASES IMF and CCHS Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Rondelli, Bernardo, CASES. Institució Milà i Fontanals, Spanish National Research Council (IMF-CSIC)
Rongong, Jem, Dynamics Research Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Sheffield, UK.
Ronzino, Paola, The Cyprus Institute, STARC<br />
Rooney, Abigail, <p>Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin</p>
Rosa, Diogo, LNEG
Rosbi, Sofian, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, School of Mechatronic Engineering
Rosillo, Rafel
Ross, Stuart, The Daily Dot
Rossell, Josep M., Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Department of Mathematics<br />
Rossi, Stefano, Soprintendenza per i beni archeologici della Liguria
Rosso, Alberto
Roued-Cunliffe, Henriette, Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, University of Oxford
Rouleau, Lucie, Structural Mechanics and Coupled Systems Laboratory, Cnam Paris, 2 rue Conté, 75003 Paris
Roussou, Maria, National and Capodistrian University of Athens
Roy, Anuja
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