Accommodation on Friday 12th September |
Accommodation on Friday 12th September Regrettably most of the university rooms booked through the conference will have to be vacated on Friday 12th September. We do however have a small number of rooms available on the Friday night. If you are booking University accommodation and would like to stay on the Friday night please contact with your request and we will allocate the limited number of rooms on a first come first served basis. Those staying in Southampton on the Friday night who are not allocated one of these rooms will require alternative accommodation for one night. (For those who wanting good value Bed & Breakfast accommodation close to the University for the Friday night please follow this link for more information.) |
Posted: 2014-05-14 | More... |
Partial Funding |
Funding: Partial support will be available for a limited number of participants. The primary target group for funding are research students without financial support of their own. If you belong to this group and your participation depends on financial support, please contact the organizing committee at In the second announcenet we said that the final decision on (partial) funding will be made shortly after the deadline for registration (June 30). However some participants have pointed out that an earlier decision will enable them to book cheaper air fares. As a result we hope to make an earlier decision on funding for all requests recieved BEFORE 31st May 2014. Please send your request by e-mail with the title "gf2014 funding request" giving a brief description of your case for partial funding to with a copy to
Posted: 2014-05-14 | More... |
Second Announcement |
Conference Fee: The conference fee is 250 GBP (300 EUR). It covers lunch, coffee breaks, conference material, excursion and conference dinner. The fee is payable directly upon registration on the conference website via credit card. Please note that this way of paying is strongly preferred, and it also causes no additional bank fees for you. If for some reason it is not possible for you to pay by credit card please contact
Registration: Please register as soon as possible on the registration pages of the conference website: The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts is June 30, 2014. Note: Even if you are unsure about whether you plan on attending the conference it would be helpful if you could sign in to the conference website at This will ensure that you receive the latest updates on the conference. |
Posted: 2014-05-14 | More... |
First Announcement |
First Announcement: International Conference on Generalized Functions GF2014 University of Southampton September 8, 2014 – September 12, 2014 Aims and Scope: This conference continues a long-standing tradition of international conferences on generalized functions gathering researchers working in all branches of the field. As seen with the most recent conferences held in Novi Sad (Serbia, 2004), Bedlȩwo (Poland, 2007), Vienna (Austria, 2009) and Martinique (France, 2011) the spectrum of interrelations with other fields of mathematics and applications has been steadily increasing. Following this trend GF2014 aims at a broad coverage of research on generalized functions and applications of generalized functions. Topics include, but are not limited to: · Distribution theory, hyperfunctions, algebras of generalized functions, Integral transforms, · Linear and nonlinear differential equations, solvability, regularity, stochastic analysis, · Pseudodifferential operators and microlocal analysis, · Geometric problems and nonlinear distributional geometry, · Applications in mathematical modelling and mathematical physics, applied analysis, · Harmonic analysis, modulation spaces, time-frequency analysis. |
Posted: 2014-05-14 | More... |
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