Last modified: 2013-05-05
Passive Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) devices have been widely studied and optimised in the framework of persistent dynamic loadings, such as harmonic and white noise excitation, in order to reduce as much as possible the steady-state response of an assigned primary structure. In this sense, the present paper arises as a complementary study on this topic, since here transient shock signals are assumed as dynamic loading, either as force or base acceleration applied to the primary structure. First, a comprehensive dynamic analysis of the system composed of a primary structure and attached TMD is carried-out. Focus is placed on the relationships between the signal and the system properties, in order to explore the dynamic behavior of such systems and to identify the main response trends, mostly as a function of the TMD parameters. Second, the results obtained above are revisited, so as to achieve an optimal tuning of the TMD for each loading case considered. The contents of the present work have the final aim of pointing-out the level of effectiveness of TMD devices and supply important guidelines for the their optimal design in reducing the structural response to shock dynamic loadings, which should have relevance in engineering applications.