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Stott, David, The University of Leeds
Stott, David, University of Leeds
Stoyko, Darryl Keith, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Manitoba and Stress Engineering Services Canada
Strange-Walker, David, Trent & Peak Archaeology, York Archaeological Trust
Straughair, Collette, NMC
Streel, Maurice, University of Liège, belgium Department of Geology
Strother, Paul Klee, Géosystèmes, Université Lille 1 and Weston Observatory, Boston College
Strother, Paul Klee, <p><em><sup>1</sup>Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Boston College, Weston, Massachusetts;</em></p><p><em>&nbsp;<sup>3</sup>D&eacute;pt. Sciences de la Terre, Universit&eacute; de Lille 1, FRE 3298 CNRS "G&eacute;osyst&egrave;mes", 59655 Vi
Strutt, Kris, University of Southampton
Strutt, Kristian, University of Southampton
Strutt, Kristian David, University of Southampton
Strutt, Kristian, University of Southampton
Strutt, kristian, <div><div>University of Southampton</div></div>
Su, Changwei, Naval University of Engineering
Su, Dongxu, Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo
Subramanian, Anand, Departamento de Engenharia de Producao, Univeritade Federal da Paraiba<br />
Subramanian, Anand, Universidade Federal da Paraiba


subramanian, anand, Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Departamento de Engenharia de Producao, Centro de Tecnologia, Campus I - Bloco G, Cidade Universitaria, Joao Pessoa-PB, 58051-970, Brazil


SUCIU, Barenten, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Intelligent Mechanical Engineering
SUCIU, Barenten, Fukuoka Institute of Technology Faculty of Engineering Department of Intelligent Mechanical Engineering

1961 - 1980 of 2388 Items    << < 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 > >> 

Eleventh International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics