SHEP Friday Seminars, Autumn term 2002

Our "external" seminars are held on Fridays at 2:45pm in Shackleton Lecture Theatre B (room 1057, building 44).
Please pay attention to the place as it varies from time to time.

Friday 18th October, 2:45pm: Prof. Graham Shore (Swansea)
"Superluminal Light"
Place: Shackleton Lecture Theatre B

Thursday 24th October, 12:45pm: Dr. Johanna Erdmenger (Humboldt University, Berlin)
"Field Theory Aspects of AdS/CFT for Intersecting Branes"
Place: Physics Seminar Room (room 5081, building 46)

Friday 25th October, 2:00pm: Southampton-RAL joint seminar
"Recent developments in B Physics"
Place: Shackleton Lecture Theatre B

Friday 1st November, 2:45pm: Dr. Emi Kou (IPPP, Durham)
"Exclusive Charmless B Decays and the Perturbative QCD Approach"
Place: Shackleton Lecture Theatre B

Friday 8th November, 2:45pm: Dr. Oleg Lebedev (Sussex)
"CP violating invariants in supersymmetry"
Place: Shackleton Lecture Theatre B

Friday 15th November, 2:45pm: Dr. Ignacio Navarro Cabanas (IPPP, Durham)
"Low scale SUSY breaking"
Place: Shackleton Lecture Theatre B

Thursday 21st November, 12:45pm: Prof. Rohini M. Godbole (Indian Inst. Sci., Bangalore, India)
"Invisible Higgs and Dark Matter in Supersymmetric Theories"
Place: Physics Seminar Room (room 5081, building 46)

Friday 29th November, 2:45pm: Dr. Zbigniew Sroczynski (Liverpool)
"Cluster computing for lattice QCD"
Place: Shackleton Lecture Theatre B

Friday 6th December, 2:45pm:
No seminar

Friday 13 December, 2:45pm: Dr. Richard Batley (Cavendish Lab, Cambridge)
"CP Violation Results from NA48"
Place: Shackleton Lecture Theatre B

Organiser: Martin Kurth, ext 2084 and Stefano Arnone, ext 3912

This page is maintained by Stefano Arnone
Last updated: 30th September 2002.