/** * @file * The Superfish Drupal Behavior to apply the Superfish jQuery plugin to lists. */ (function ($) { Drupal.behaviors.superfish = { attach: function (context, settings) { // Take a look at each list to apply Superfish to. $.each(settings.superfish || {}, function(index, options) { // Process all Superfish lists. $('#superfish-' + options.id, context).once('superfish', function() { var list = $(this); // Check if we are to apply the Supersubs plug-in to it. if (options.plugins || false) { if (options.plugins.supersubs || false) { list.supersubs(options.plugins.supersubs); } } // Apply Superfish to the list. list.superfish(options.sf); // Check if we are to apply any other plug-in to it. if (options.plugins || false) { if (options.plugins.touchscreen || false) { list.sftouchscreen(options.plugins.touchscreen); } if (options.plugins.smallscreen || false) { list.sfsmallscreen(options.plugins.smallscreen); } if (options.plugins.automaticwidth || false) { list.sfautomaticwidth(); } if (options.plugins.supposition || false) { list.supposition(); } if (options.plugins.bgiframe || false) { list.find('ul').bgIframe({opacity:false}); } } }); }); } }; })(jQuery);