@inproceedings{orchid2, booktitle = {Proc 10th Int Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems}, title = {Bounded Decentralised Coordination over Multiple Objectives}, author = {Francesco Delle Fave and Ruben Stranders and Alex Rogers and Nicholas R Jennings}, year = {2011}, pages = {371--378}, subjects = {Agent-based Computing, Agile Teaming}, url = {http://www.orchid.ac.uk/eprints/2/1/bounded\%5fdecentralised\%5fcoordination.pdf}, abstract = {We propose the bounded multi-objective max-sum algorithm (B-MOMS), the first decentralised coordination algorithm for multi-objective optimisation problems. B-MOMS extends the max-sum message-passing algorithm for decentralised coordination to compute bounded approximate solutions to multi-objective decentralised constraint optimisation problems (MO-DCOPs). Specifically, we prove the optimality of B-MOMS in acyclic constraint graphs, and derive problem dependent bounds on its approximation ratio when these graphs contain cycles. Furthermore, we empirically evaluate its performance on a multi-objective extension of the canonical graph colouring problem. In so doing, we demonstrate that, for the settings we consider, the approximation ratio never exceeds 2, and is typically less than 1:5 for less-constrained graphs. Moreover, the runtime required by B-MOMS on the problem instances we considered never exceeds 30 minutes, even for maximally constrained graphs with 100 agents. Thus, B-MOMS brings the problem of multi-objective optimisation well within the boundaries of the limited capabilities of embedded agents.} }