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Physics and Astronomy
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Physics and Astronomy 2020 news archive
Scientists explore low-energy approach to probe mystery of fundamental physics
7 January 2020
Quantum innovation promises 'cold atoms in your pocket' at world's biggest tech show
9 January 2020
Exploding stars algorithm to be trained to detect early warning signs of skin cancer
10 January 2020
Arctic expedition unravels mysteries of the Northern Lights
21 January 2020
Spiralling gas approaching black hole mapped through 'cosmic echolocation'
23 January 2020
Southampton Centres of Excellence launched to generate sustainable digital technologies
10 February 2020
Engineering and Technology Careers Fair seeks outstanding student talent
12 February 2020
Search for particle superpartners gathers pace at the Large Hadron Collider
17 February 2020
Shining a spotlight on Southampton research at Light Up Poole digital arts festival
27 February 2020
STEM roller derby showcases inspirational female and non-binary scientists
19 March 2020
Stephen Hawking Fellow to push the boundaries of particle physics at Southampton
3 April 2020
Exploring the role of quantum effects in the way light-harvesting bio-molecules function
22 April 2020
Explore the Northern Lights with Aurora Zoo
28 April 2020
Future Leaders Fellow to help unlock transformative potential of multiferroics
30 April 2020
Southampton professor awarded international honour for 'liquid light' discovery
18 May 2020
Southampton physicist joins space tech fellowship programme with quantum innovation
28 May 2020
Ultrafast microscale platform simulates complex delay-coupled systems
1 June 2020
Physics PhD graduate's thesis gains global recognition
3 June 2020
Reducing hypertension in low- and middle-income countries
4 June 2020
A Universe-inspired art challenge
8 June 2020
Southampton fellowship to use International Space Station data to understand black holes and neutron stars
9 June 2020
Physicists hunt the invisible universe to unravel nature's greatest mysteries
30 June 2020
Plasma patterning technique forms new optical metasurfaces
8 July 2020
Phase change material breakthrough bridges the gap between electronics and photonics
15 July 2020
Flavour Physics arms researchers to unlock universe's subatomic secrets
31 July 2020
Thermal imaging reveals Northern Lights as both beauty and beast
11 August 2020
Gamma-ray astronomy techniques channelled to improve nuclear medicine
17 August 2020
Physicists use light as 'subatomic zip tie' to create atom-like objects
25 August 2020
Spotlight on the Space Environment Physics Group
23 September 2020
New calculation refines comparison of matter with antimatter
24 September 2020
High contrast 3D histology demonstrated with sandpaper X-ray technique
25 September 2020
Polaritonics research develops new artificial lattice platform
29 September 2020
Black hole vanishing act offers new insight into universe's mysteries
14 October 2020
Rare blast of light reveals star's dramatic death by 'spaghettification'
15 October 2020
Spotlight on the Quantum Light and Matter Group
23 October 2020
Prize winning astronomy-inspired art showcases supernovae and dark energy
3 November 2020
Southampton expertise supports nanosatellite development to measure Earth's magnetic field
9 November 2020
Southampton physicists congratulate Nobel Prize winner Sir Roger Penrose
12 November 2020
Deep space imaging collaboration focuses on new ultra-low noise camera
13 November 2020
Expanding NExT Institute forges new connections between experiment and theory
14 December 2020