The University of Southampton

Join us for an evening of science - meet the physicists

Published: 11 August 2016
Dr Paul Gow

Winchester Discovery Centre Tuesday 30 August 2016, 19:00 - 22:30

Physicists from the University of Southampton and across the South East are inviting the local community to join them for an evening of science at the Winchester Discovery Centre.

During the event, Dr Paul Gow will deliver a public demonstration on the electromagnetic spectrum. He will join doctoral researchers who will present posters of their latest research and test their physics knowledge in a quick-fire round of PowerPoint Karaoke! Followed by an extended question and answer session.

Participation will be encouraged throughout the evening, with opportunities to meet the physicists and quiz them on their work, their lives in research, and all things science related. Tickets are free and available from Eventbrite - all are welcome.

This event forms part of the University of Southampton’s QLM Summer School 2016, organised by the University’s Quantum Light and Matter group of experimental physicists, which aims to help members of the South East Physics Network (SEPnet) in becoming more effective researchers.

This is the first time the Summer School has included the public, and it's a chance for everyone to learn something new and be part of the valuable development of research which represents the future of experimental physics.

For more information, and to book tickets visit Eventbrite or email Max Carey

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