******************************* * R2Q2 WAR Installation Guide * ******************************* This installation process is meant to ease the process of deploying the R2Q2 web service as well as making the installer multi-platform. This installer guide assumes you have already downloaded Tomcat V5.5 and have installed the server correctly. Tomcat is available from http://tomcat.apache.org/download-55.cgi and instructions to install can also be found on this site. 1) Copy the r2q2.war file into your webapps directory and restart Tomcat. This should cause the war file to unpack into a new directory r2q2. 2) Open your web browser and go to your webserver followed by /r2q2/r2q2install.jsp. For example http://example.com:8080/r2q2/r2q2install.jsp. 3) Click the Start Script button. This should automatically generate the r2q2.properites file required for R2Q2 to operate. 4) The script should report a sucessful generation 5) The R2Q2 webservice is now ready for use. The demonstrator is available from the root url e.g http://example.com:8080/r2q2/ 6) Go back to the directory where R2Q2 is deployed and delete r2q2install.jsp and scriptrun.jsp *Additional Note* This WAR file can be deployed in other Java web containers by setting a R2Q2_HOME environmental variable that points to directory where R2Q2 is deployed within the Java container. R2Q2_HOME acts as a substitute for the catalina.home system property which is used to generate the deployed path under Tomcat.