This site has been permanently archived. This is a static copy provided by the University of Southampton.
- Search and SEO such a science
- Advertizing also
- Web years 2.6 -> 1
- Move to Mobile
- Web Apps computing platform
- Linked Open Data movement
- Declarative web of documents
- Need for read-write web
- One Web - use standards!
Web Apps
- Serious new computing platform
- Needs serious clean trust system
- (cabability based - Caja?)
- Needs decentralized modular installation
- Privacy: Geolocation is the tip of the iceberg.
- Essential for extensibility
- Being part of an as yet unknown larger system
- HTML is a big language -- but not the only one.
- Everyone (inc. IE) implement SVG
Social Networking
- Walled gardens all over again (AOL, Prodigy...; WAP...)
- I want my data back!
- Some open APIs
- Linked Data with policy-aware access control
- Get the power of reuse
Social Silos
Social Silo problem
David Simonds/Economist by permission
Open Social Networking
Identity - Personas
Webize -> use URIs
OpenId quite deployed
FOAF+SSL has advantages
Secure Web Id
Beware assumptions about pseudonymity
Changing environment
Dropping cost of pixels, glasses etc
Mobile in developing countries
Masses of data out there
Linked Open Data movement

Linked Data everywhere
- Government (e.g. Obama)
- Enterprise
- Science
- Social networks
- Community (e.g OpenStreetMap,
Linked Data challenges
- Easy wizard for existing RDB users
- Delegated/Federated SPARQL
- Co-reference -- community based?
Social concerns
- Tracking provenance
- Not just access control, but acceptable use
- Accountable systems
- Read-write socially-aware storage + javascript?
Web I would like
- Clean modular extensible technology
- Seamless interlinked documents and data
- Dataset metaindex => Answer an arbitrary query
- Intimate integration of data and UI with programming languages
- Great security model for Web Applications
Our role
- Build a platform for others that follow
- Do not assume what they will use it for
- Do our bit, others will do theirs.
Questions, Discussion