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WWW2009 EPrints

Scrolling Behaviour with Single- and Multi-column Layout

This item is a Paper in the User Interfaces and Mobile Web track.


[img]Microsoft PowerPoint (1289Kb)

Published Version

PDF (2371Kb)


The standard layout model used by web browsers is to lay text out in a vertical scroll using a single column. The horizontal-scroll layout model—in which text is laid out in columns whose height is set to that of the browser window and the viewer scrolls horizontally—seems well-suited to multi-column layout on electronic devices. We describe a study that examines how people read and, in particular, the strategies they use for scrolling with these two models when reading large textual documents on a standard computer monitor. We compare usability of the models and evaluate both user preferences and the effect of the model on performance. Also interesting is the description of the browser and its user interface which we used for the study.

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About this site

This website has been set up for WWW2009 by Christopher Gutteridge of the University of Southampton, using our EPrints software.


We (Southampton EPrints Project) intend to preserve the files and HTML pages of this site for many years, however we will turn it into flat files for long term preservation. This means that at some point in the months after the conference the search, metadata-export, JSON interface, OAI etc. will be disabled as we "fossilize" the site. Please plan accordingly. Feel free to ask nicely for us to keep the dynamic site online longer if there's a rally good (or cool) use for it... [this has now happened, this site is now static]