@inproceedings{www2009128, booktitle = {18th International World Wide Web Conference}, month = {April}, title = {Advertising Keyword Generation Using Active Learning}, author = {Hao Wu and Guang Qiu and Xiaofei He and Yuan Shi and Mingcheng Qu and Jing Shen and Jiajun Bu and Chun Chen}, year = {2009}, pages = {1095--1095}, url = {http://www2009.eprints.org/128/}, abstract = {This paper proposes an efficient relevance feedback based interactive model for keyword generation in sponsored search advertising. We formulate the ranking of relevant terms as a supervised learning problem and suggest new terms for the seed by leveraging user relevance feedback information. Active learning is employed to select the most informative samples from a set of candidate terms for user labeling. Experiments show our approach improves the relevance of generated terms signi?cantly with little user effort required. } }