@inproceedings{www2009138, booktitle = {18th International World Wide Web Conference}, month = {April}, title = {A Messaging API for Inter-Widgets Communication}, author = {St\'ephane Sire and Mica\"el Paquier and Alain Vagner and J\'er\^ome Bogaerts}, year = {2009}, pages = {1115--1115}, url = {http://www2009.eprints.org/138/}, abstract = {Widget containers are used everywhere on the Web, for instance as customizable start pages to Web desktops. In this poster, we describe the extension of a widget container with an inter-widgets communication layer, as well as the subsequent application programming interfaces (APIs) added to the Widget object to support this feature. We present the benefits of a drag and drop facility within widgets and conclude by a call for standardization of inter-widgets communication on the Web.} }