%0 Conference Paper %A Nadamoto, Akiyo %A Aramaki, Eiji %A Abekawa, Takeshi %A Murakami, Yohei %B 18th International World Wide Web Conference %C Madrid, Spain %D 2009 %F www2009:192 %P 1223-1223 %T Content Hole Search in Community-type Content %U http://www2009.eprints.org/192/ %X In community-type content such as blogs and SNSs, we call the user’s unawareness of information as a ”content hole” and the search for this information as a ”content hole search.” A content hole search differs from similarity searching and has a variety of types. In this paper, we propose different types of content holes and define each type. We also propose an analysis of dialogue related to community-type content and introduce content hole search by using Wikipedia as an example.