creators_name: Ding, Shuai
creators_name: He, Jinru
creators_name: Yan, Hao
creators_name: Suel, Torsten
type: conference_item
datestamp: 2009-04-06 19:09:38
lastmod: 2009-05-11 11:12:39
metadata_visibility: show
title: Using Graphics Processors for High Performance IR Query Processing
ispublished: pub
full_text_status: public
pres_type: paper
abstract: Web search engines are facing formidable performance challenges due to data sizes and query loads. The major engines have to process tens of thousands of queries per second over tens of billions of documents. To deal with this heavy workload, such engines employ massively parallel systems consisting of thousands of machines. The significant cost of operating these systems has motivated a lot of recent research into more efficient query processing mechanisms. We investigate a new way to build such high performance IR systems using graphical processing units (GPUs). GPUs were originally designed to accelerate computer graphics applications through massive on-chip parallelism. Recently a number of researchers have studied how to use GPUs for other problem domains such as databases and scientific computing [9, 8, 12]. Our contribution here is to design a basic system architecture for GPU-based high-performance IR, to develop suitable algorithms for subtasks such as inverted list compression, list intersection, and top-k scoring, and to show how to achieve highly efficient query processing on GPUbased systems. Our experimental results for a prototype GPU-based system on 25.2 million web pages shows promising gains in query throughput.
date: 2009-04
pagerange: 421-421
event_title: 18th International World Wide Web Conference
event_location: Madrid, Spain
event_dates: April 20th-24th, 2009
event_type: conference
refereed: TRUE
citation: Ding, Shuai <> and He, Jinru <> and Yan, Hao <> and Suel, Torsten <> (2009) Using Graphics Processors for High Performance IR Query Processing. In: 18th International World Wide Web Conference, April 20th-24th, 2009, Madrid, Spain.