
Evaluation of Teaching and Learning Strategies

Lechner BDS, MDS FRACDS, FPFA, FICD, Sybille K (2001) Evaluation of Teaching and Learning Strategies. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]

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With the growing awareness of the importance of teaching and learning in universities and the need to move towards evidence-based teaching, it behooves the professions to re-examine their educational research methodology. While the what, how and why of student learning have become more explicit, the professions still struggle to find valid methods of evaluating the explosion of new innovation in teaching/learning strategies. This paper discusses the problems inherent in applying traditional experimental design techniques to advances in educational practice

Item Type:Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)
Keywords:Medical Education; Health Professional Education; Evaluation; Medical education; dental education; evaluation; best evidence education
Subjects:JOURNALS > Medical Education Online > MEO Peer Reviewed
ID Code:2402
Deposited By: David, Solomon
Deposited On:12 Aug 2002
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:54

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