
A quantum method to test the existence of consciousness

Gao, Mr Shan (2002) A quantum method to test the existence of consciousness. [Journal (Paginated)]

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As we know, "Who can be said to be a conscious being?" is one of the hard problems in present science, and no method has been found to strictly differentiate the conscious being from the being without consciousness or usual matter. In this short paper, we present a strict physical method based on revised quantum dynamics to test the existence of consciousness, and the principle is to use the distinguishability of nonorthogonal single states. We demonstrate that although the dynamical collapse time can’t be measured by a physical measuring device, a conscious being can perceive it under the assumed QSC condition, thus can distinguish the nonorthogonal single states in the framework of revised quantum dynamics This in principle provides a quantum method to differentiate man and machine, or to test the existence of consciousness. We further discuss the rationality of the assumed QSC condition, and denote that some experimental evidences have indicated that our human being can satisfy the condition. This not only provides some confirmation of our method, but also indicates that the method is a practical proposal, which can be implemented in the near future experiments.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Additional Information:This paper provides a possible quantum method to differentiate man and machine, or to test the existence of consciousness.
Keywords:quantum,self-consciousness,collapse process,superluminal communication
Subjects:Philosophy > Philosophy of Mind
ID Code:2550
Deposited By: Gao, Shan
Deposited On:04 Nov 2002
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:55

References in Article

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