
Students' drafting strategies and text quality

Piolat, A and Roussey, JY (1996) Students' drafting strategies and text quality. [Journal (Paginated)]

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The study reports an analysis of the drafts produced by two groups of students during an exam. Drafts were categorized as a function of some of their graphic features (e.g. their length), and of their different planning strategies used for their production (e.g. note draft, organized draft, composed draft). Grades obtained by the students on their essays related to the different categories of drafts. Results show that 2/3 of both groups of students made some kinds of draft. Drafts mostly consisted of note drafts or long composed drafts. Very few consisted of organized drafts. However, students that wrote these latter drafts obtained the best ratings. Drafting strategy was homogeneous for half of the students who used one category. The other half successively used two drafting modes. In that case they mostly associated writing with jotting down notes or with some marks of organization. Here, again, students who organized, even partially, their drafts obtained the highest grades. Very few corrections were brought to the long drafts and they concerned the surface (spelling or lexicon), not the content or the plan. This research shows that only a limited number of students used an efficient drafting (organized draft) even though such a strategy is generally associated with the highest ratings.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:Drafting strategies, note draft, organized draft, composed draft, writing rate
Subjects:Psychology > Applied Cognitive Psychology
Psychology > Psycholinguistics
ID Code:3618
Deposited By: Piolat, Prof. Annie
Deposited On:06 May 2004
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:55


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