
Items where Subject is "Psychology > Psycholinguistics"

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Number of items at this level: 153.

Huette, Ms. Stephanie and Winter, Mr. Bodo and Matlock, Dr. Teenie and Ardell, Dr. David and Spivey, Dr. Michael (2013) Spontaneous eye movements during passive spoken language comprehension reflect grammatical processing. [Preprint]

Sacco, Ph.D Katiuscia and Angeleri, Ph.D. Romina and Colle, Ph.D. Livia and Gabbatore, Ph.D. Ilaria and Bara, Prof. Bruno G. and Bosco, Prof. Francesca M. (2013) ABaCo: Assessment Battery for Communication. [Journal (Paginated)]

Gabbatore, Ph.D. Ilaria and angeleri, Ph. D. romina and bara, Prof. bruno and bosco, prof. francesca and sacco, Ph.D. katiuscia (2013) Abilità linguistiche ed extralinguistiche in pazienti con afasia. [Conference Paper]

Saez-Uribarri, Iñigo (2012) Biases in the relationship between dream threats and level of anxiety upon awakening. [Conference Poster] (Unpublished)

Jelec, Anna and Fleischer, Zuzanna and Jaworska, Dorota (2012) Investigating the dual function of gesture in blind and visually impaired children. (Poster). [Conference Poster] (Unpublished)

Shaoul, Dr. Cyrus (2012) The Processing of Lexical Sequences. [Thesis]

Gobbo, Dr Federico and Preziosi, Riccardo A. (2012) Constructive Conversation Analysis in psychotherapy: cognitive relevance of actants in terms of linguistic constructions. [Conference Poster]

Poleev, Dr. Andrej (2010) Octology.

Bosco, Francesca and Tirassa, Maurizio (2010) Communication failure. [Book Chapter]

Colle, Livia and Bosco, Francesca M. and Tirassa, Maurizio (2009) The complexity of theory of mind. [Journal (Paginated)]

Bosco, Francesca M. and Colle, Livia and De Fazio, Silvia and Bono, Adele and Ruberti, Saverio and Tirassa, Maurizio (2009) Th.o.m.a.s.: An exploratory assessment of Theory of Mind in schizophrenic subjects. [Journal (Paginated)]

Evola, Vito (2008) “Io sono evoluto e quello è un uomo di Neanderthal”: Un’analisi linguistica cognitivista del concetto di evoluzione. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Evola, Vito (2008) How Body and Soul Interact with the Spiritual Mind. [Conference Paper]

Voiklis, John (2008) A Thing Is What We Say It Is: Referential Communication and Indirect Category Learning. [Thesis]

Evola, Vito (2008) La metafora come carrefour cognitivo del pensiero e del linguaggio. [Book Chapter] (In Press)

Evola, Vito (2008) Multimodal Semiotics of Representing God and the Self: a Cognitive Linguistic View of Metaphors and Gestures in Religious Discourse. [Conference Poster]

Voiklis, John and Corter, James (2008) Cooperative Categorization: Coordination of Reference and Categories in Learning a Joint Prediction Task. [Conference Poster]

ALARIO, Dr F.-Xavier and MOSCOSO DEL PRADO MARTIN, Dr Fermin (2008) On the origin of the cumulative semantic inhibition effect. [Journal (Paginated)] (Unpublished)

Evola, Vito (2008) Multimodal Semiotics of Spiritual Experiences: Representing Beliefs, Metaphors, and Actions. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Saez-Uribarri, Iñigo (2008) Anxiety upon Awakening and Attributes of Dream Characters. [Journal (Paginated)]

Tirassa, Maurizio and Bosco, Francesca M. (2008) On the nature and role of intersubjectivity in communication. [Book Chapter]

Evola, Vito (2007) Cognitive Linguistics and the Evolution of Body and Soul in the Western World: from Ancient Hebrew to Modern English. [Conference Poster]

Situngkir, Hokky (2007) Regimes in Babel are Confirmed: Report on Findings in Several Indonesian Ethnic Biblical Texts. [Departmental Technical Report]

Situngkir, Hokky (2007) An Observational Framework to the Zipfian Analysis among Different Languages: Studies to Indonesian Ethnic Biblical Texts. [Departmental Technical Report]

Evola, Vito (2006) St. Paul's Error: The Semantic Changes of BODY and SOUL in the Western World. [Conference Paper]


Moscoso del Prado Martin, Dr Fermin and Kostic, Prof Aleksandar and Filipovic-Djurdjevic, Dusica (2006) The Missing Link between Morphemic Assemblies and Behavioral Responses:a Bayesian Information-Theoretical model of lexical processing. (Unpublished)

Moscoso del Prado Martin, Fermin and Aleksandar, Kostic and Dusica, Filipovic-Djurdjevic (2006) The Missing Link between Morphemic Assemblies and Behavioral Responses:a Bayesian Information-Theoretical model of lexical processing. (Unpublished)

Saez-Uribarri, Iñigo (2006) Cero Macareno's tablet: Exploratory data analysis around a piece of archeology (La tableta de Cero Macareno: Análisis exploratorio de datos en torno a una pieza de arqueología). [Journal (Paginated)]

Evola, Vito (2006) Polisemia e slittamenti semantici nei concetti ANIMA e CORPO nel mondo occidentale, ovvero l'errore di San Paolo. [Conference Paper]

Moscoso del Prado Martin, Dr Fermin and Baayen, Prof R. Harald (2005) A broad-coverage distributed connectionist model of visual word recognition. (Unpublished)

Lemaire, Benoit and Mandin, Sonia and Dessus, Philippe and Denhière, Guy (2005) Computational Cognitive Models of Summarization Assessment Skills. [Conference Paper]

Roberts, Dr Mark D (2005) Name Strategy: Its Existence and Implications. [Journal (Paginated)]

Situngkir, Hokky (2004) How Far Can We Go Through Social System? [Departmental Technical Report] (In Press)

Evola, Vito (2004) Blending the Erotic and the Divine in Mystical Literature. [Conference Poster]

Lacerda, Francisco and Klintfors, Eeva and Gustavsson, Lisa and Lagerkvist, Lisa and Marklund, Ellen and Sundberg, Ulla (2004) Ecological Theory of Language Acquisition. [Conference Poster]

Stepak, Asa M (2004) Frequency Value Grammar and Information Theory. [Preprint]

Lemaire, Benoît and Denhière, Guy (2004) Incremental Construction of an Associative Network from a Corpus. [Conference Paper]

Gustavsson, Lisa and Sundberg, Ulla and Klintfors, Eeva and Marklund, Ellen and Lagerkvist, Lisa and Lacerda, Francisco (2004) Integration of audio-visual information in 8-months-old infants. [Conference Poster]

Zellner Keller, Dr. Brigitte (2004) Prosodic Styles and Personality Styles: are the two interrelated. [Conference Paper]

Olive, Thierry (2003) Working Memory in Writing: Empirical Evidence From the Dual-Task Technique. [Preprint]

Tsur, Reuven (2003) Aspects of Cognitive Poetics. [Book Chapter]

Veneziano, E (2003) The emergence of noun and verb categories in the acquisition of French. [Journal (Paginated)]

Morin, Alain (2003) A neuro-socio-cognitive model of self-awareness. [Conference Poster]

Ramus, Franck and Dupoux, Emmanuel and Mehler, Jacques (2003) The psychological reality of rhythm classes: Perceptual studies. [Conference Paper]

Tsur, Reuven (2002) Phonetic Cues and Dramatic Function Artistic Recitation of Metered Speech. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]

Olive, Thierry and Piolat, Annie (2002) Suppressing visual feedback in written composition: Effects on processing demands and coordination of the writing processes. [Journal (Paginated)]

Zevin, Jason D. and Seidenberg, Mark S. (2002) Age of acquisition effects in word reading and other tasks. [Preprint]

Ramus, Franck (2002) Acoustic correlates of linguistic rhythm: Perspectives. [Conference Paper]

Cangelosi, Angelo and Parisi, Domenico (2002) Computer simulation: A new scientific approach to the study of language evolution. [Book Chapter]

Davis, Matt H. (2002) Connectionist modelling of lexical segmentation and vocabulary acquisition. [Book Chapter] (In Press)

McDonald, Scott and Brew, Chris (2002) A distributional model of semantic context effects in lexical processinga. [Preprint]

Harris, Harlan (2002) Holographic Reduced Representations for Oscillator Recall: A Model of Phonological Production. [Conference Paper] (In Press)

Harris, Harlan (2002) Holographic Reduced Representations for Oscillator Recall: A Model of Phonological Production. [Conference Paper] (In Press)

Spurrett, Dr David (2002) Information processing and dynamical systems approaches are complementary. [Preprint]

Ramus, Franck (2002) Language discrimination by newborns: Teasing apart phonotactic, rhythmic, and intonational cues. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)] (In Press)

Farkas, Igor and Li, Ping (2002) Modeling the development of lexicon with a growing self-organizing map. [Conference Paper]

Fiebach, Christian J. and Maess, Burkhard and Friederici, Angela D. (2002) Neuromagnetic evidence that differences in verb and noun processing are modulated by the presence of a syntactic context. [Conference Paper]

Stepak, Asa M. (2002) Oral Metaphor Construct--New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Oudeyer, Pierre-Yves (2002) Phonemic Coding Might Result From Sensory-Motor Coupling Dynamics. [Conference Paper]

Piolat, A and Roussey, JY and Gérouit, C (2002) Prise de notes par des élèves de 10-12 ans plus ou moins bons lecteurs et rédacteurs. [Journal (Paginated)]

Wilson, Deirdre and Sperber, Dan (2002) Truthfulness and relevance. [Journal (Paginated)] (In Press)

Hershberg, Uri and Efroni, Sol (2001) The immune system and other cognitive systems. [Journal (Paginated)]

Redford, Melissa A. and Chen, Chun Chi and Miikkulainen, Risto (2001) Constrained Emergence of Universals and Variation in Syllable Systems. [Journal (Paginated)]

Lavigne, Frédéric and Denis, Sylvain (2001) Attentional and Semantic Anticipations. [Journal (Paginated)]

Cangelosi, Angelo and Parisi, Domenico (2001) How nouns and verbs differentially affect the behavior of artificial organisms. [Conference Poster]

Martinez, Guillermina and Cangelosi, Angelo and Coventry, Kenny (2001) A Hybrid Neural Network and Virtual Reality System for Spatial Language Processing. [Conference Poster]

Bara, Bruno G. and Cutica, Ilaria and Tirassa, Maurizio (2001) Neuropragmatics: Extralinguistic communication after closed head injury. [Journal (Paginated)]

Tsur, Reuven (2001) Onomatopoeia: Cuckoo-Language and Tick-Tocking+◊. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]

Ramus, Franck (2001) Outstanding questions about phonological processing in dyslexia. [Preprint]

Ramus, Franck (2001) Outstanding questions about phonological processing in dyslexia. [Journal (Paginated)]

Farkas, Igor and Li, Ping (2001) A self-organizing neural network model of the acquisition of word meaning. [Conference Paper]

Hoen, Michel and Dominey, Peter-Ford (2000) ERP analysis of cognitive sequencing : a left-anterior negativity related to structural transformation processing. [Journal (Paginated)]

Ramus, Franck and Hauser, Marc D. and Miller, Cory and Morris, Dylan and Mehler, Jacques (2000) Language discrimination by human newborns and by cotton-top tamarin monkeys. [Journal (Paginated)]

Stemmer, Brigitte and Corre, Marianne and Joanette, Yves (2000) THE MIND AND BRAIN SCHOLAR AS A HITCH-HIKER IN POST-GUTENBERG GALAXY: PUBLISHING AT 2000 AND BEYOND. [Preprint]

Stemmer, Brigitte and Schönle, Paul Walter (2000) Neuropragmatics in the 21st century. [Journal (Paginated)]

Lavigne, Frédéric and Lavigne, Pascal (2000) Anticipatory Semantic Processes. [Journal (Paginated)]

Sharifian, Farzad (2000) Aspects of schematic processing in Indigenous speakers of Aboriginal English: An initial exploration. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Ramus, Franck and Dupoux, Emmanuel and Zangl, Renate and Mehler, Jacques (2000) An empirical study of the perception of language rhythm. [Preprint]

Cangelosi, Angelo (2000) Evolution of Symbolisation in Chimpanzees and Neural Nets. [Conference Paper]

Harnad, Stevan (2000) From Sensorimotor Praxis and Pantomine to Symbolic Representations. [Conference Paper]

Lavigne, Frédéric and Vitu, Françoise and d'Ydewalle, Géry (2000) The influence of semantic context on initial eye landing sites in words. [Journal (Paginated)]

Post, John F. (2000) Is Supervenience Asymmetric? [Book Chapter] (In Press)

Zwaan, Rolf and Kaup, Barbara and Stanfield, Robert and Madden, Carol (2000) Language comprehension as guided experience. (Unpublished)

Bara, Bruno G. and Tirassa, Maurizio (2000) Neuropragmatics: Brain and communication. [Journal (Paginated)]

Ramus, Franck (2000) Perception of linguistic rhythm by newborn infants. [Preprint]

Friederici, Angela D. and Schlesewsky, Matthias and Fiebach, Christian J. (2000) Wh-movement vs. scrambling: The brain makes a difference. [Book Chapter] (In Press)

Pallier, Christophe (2000) Word recognition: do we need phonological representations? [Conference Paper]

ALARIO, Dr. F.-Xavier (1999) Aspects sémantiques et syntaxiques de l’accès au lexique lors de la production de parole. [Thesis]

Stemmer, Brigitte (1999) Discourse studies in neurologically impaired populations: A quest for action. [Journal (Paginated)]

Kelly, Michael (1999) Regional Naming Patterns and the Culture of Honor. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]

Dansac, Christophe and Alamargot, Denis (1999) ACCESSING REFERENTIAL INFORMATION DURING TEXT COMPOSITION : WHEN AND WHY ? [Book Chapter]

Kashkin, Viatcheslav B. (1999) ASPECTS OF METALINGUISTIC ACTIVITY. [Journal (Paginated)]

Tirassa, Maurizio (1999) Communicative competence and the architecture of the mind/brain. [Journal (Paginated)]

Roussey, JY and Piolat, A and Gombert, A (1999) Contextes de production et justification écrite d'un point de vue par des enfants âgés de 10 à 13 ans. [Journal (Paginated)]

Ramus, Franck and Nespor, Marina and Mehler, Jacques (1999) Correlates of linguistic rhythm in the speech signal. [Preprint]

Ramus, Franck and Nespor, Marina and Mehler, Jacques (1999) Correlates of linguistic rhythm in the speech signal. [Journal (Paginated)]

Stemmer, Brigitte (1999) Introduction. [Journal (Paginated)]

Ramus, Franck and Mehler, Jacques (1999) Language identification with suprasegmental cues: A study based on speech resynthesis. [Journal (Paginated)]

Stemmer, Brigitte (1999) An On-Line Interview with Noam Chomsky: On the Nature of Pragmatics and Related Issues. [Journal (Paginated)]

Pallier, Christophe and Sebastian-Galles, Nuria and Colome, Angels (1999) Phonological representations and repetition priming. [Conference Paper]

Bird, Steven (1999) When marking tone reduces fluency: an orthography experiment in Cameroon. [Journal (Paginated)]

Tsur, Reuven (1998) Light, Fire, Prison: A Cognitive Analysis of Religious Imagery in Poetry. [Journal (Paginated)]

Pallier, Christophe and Sebastian-Gallés, Nuria and Dupoux, Emmanuel and Mehler, Jacques (1998) Perceptual adjustment to time-compressed Speech: a cross-linguistic study. [Journal (Paginated)]

Kelly, Michael H. (1998) Rule and Idiosyncratically Derived Denominal Verbs: Effects on Language Production and Comprehension. [Journal (Paginated)]

Posner, Michael I. and Pavese, Antonella (1998) Anatomy of word and sentence meaning. [Journal (Paginated)]

Barbier, ML and Piolat, A and Roussey, JY (1998) Effet du traitement de texte et des correcteurs sur la maîtrise de l'orthographe et de la grammaire en langue seconde. [Journal (Paginated)]

Emmanuel, Dupoux and Kazohiko, Kakehi and Yuki, Hirose and Christophe, Pallier and Jacques, Mehler (1998) Epenthetic vowels in Japanese: A perceptual illusion? [Preprint]

Dupoux, E. and Kakehi, K. and Hirose, Y. and Pallier, C. and Mehler, J. (1998) Epenthetic vowels in Japanese: A perceptual illusion? [Preprint]

Hurford, James R (1998) The evolution of language and languages. [Book Chapter] (Unpublished)

Hurford, Jim (1998) Functional Innateness: explaining the critical period for language acquisition. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Stewart, Andrew J. and Pickering, Martin J. and Sanford, Anthony J. (1998) Implicit Consequentiality. [Conference Paper] (In Press)

Chipere, Ngoni. (1998) Real Language Users. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Claus, Berry and Eyferth, Klaus and Gips, Carsten and Hörnig, Robin and Schmid, Ute and Wiebrock, Sylvia and Wysotzki, Fritz (1998) Reference Frames for Spatial Inference in Text Understanding. [Book Chapter]

Bachoud-Lévi, A.C. and Dupoux, E. and Cohen, L. and Mehler, J. (1998) Where is the length effect? A cross-linguistic study. [Journal (Paginated)]

Miall, David S. (1997) The Body in Literature: Mark Johnson, Metaphor, and Feeling. [Journal (Paginated)]

Pallier, C. and Bosch, L. and Sebastian-Gallés, N. (1997) A limit on behavioral plasticity in speech perception. [Journal (Paginated)]

Green, Christopher D. and Vervaeke, John (1997) But What Have You Done for Us Lately?: Some Recent Perspectives on Linguistic Nativism. [Book Chapter]

Akman, Varol (1997) Context as a Social Construct. [Conference Paper]

Samani, R. and Sharifian, F. (1997) Cross-language hierarchical spreading of activation. [Book Chapter]

Dupoux, E. and Pallier, C. and Sebastian, N. and Mehler, J. (1997) A destressing "deafness" in French? [Journal (Paginated)]

Piolat, A and Roussey, JY and Thunin, O (1997) Effect of screen presentation on text reading and revising. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. [Journal (Paginated)]

Mueller, Horst M. and King, Jonathan W. and Kutas, Marta (1997) Event-related potentials elicited by spoken relative clauses. [Journal (Paginated)]

Sharifian, F. and Samani, R. (1997) Hierarchical spreading of activation. [Book Chapter]

Tirassa, Maurizio (1997) Mental states in communication. [Conference Paper]

Bara, Bruno G. and Tirassa, Maurizio and Zettin, Marina (1997) Neuropragmatics: Neuropsychological constraints on formal theories of dialogue. [Journal (Paginated)]

Pallier, Christophe (1997) Phonemes and Syllables in Speech Perception: size of the attentional focus in French. [Conference Paper]

Pallier, Christophe and Cutler, Anne and Sebastian-Gallés, Nuria (1997) Prosodic structure and phonetic processing: A cross-linguistic study. [Conference Paper]


Green, Christopher D. and Groff, Philip R. (1996) Auditory Implicit Learning, and Its Transfer to and from Visual Implicit Learning. [Preprint]

Piolat, A and Roussey, JY and Olive, T and Farioli, F (1996) Charge mentale et mobilisation des processus rédactionnels : examen de la procédure de Kellogg. [Journal (Paginated)]

Tsur, Reuven (1996) Postscript to "Rhyme and Cognitive Poetics". [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Tsur, Reuven (1996) Rhyme and Cognitive Poetics. [Journal (Paginated)]

Piolat, A and Roussey, JY (1996) Students' drafting strategies and text quality. [Journal (Paginated)]

Mueller, H.M. and Kutas, M. (1996) What's in a name? Electrophysiological differences between spoken nouns, proper nouns and one's own name. [Journal (Paginated)]

Mueller, Horst M. and Kutas, Marta (1996) What's in a name? Electrophysiological differences between spoken nouns, proper nouns and one's own name. [Journal (Paginated)]

Miall, David S. (1995) Anticipation and feeling in literary response: A neuropsychological perspective. [Journal (Paginated)]

Morin, Alain (1995) Characteristics of an effective internal dialogue in the acquisition of self-information. [Journal (Paginated)]

Green, Christopher D. and Munro, Ellen (1995) Implicit Learning of Spatial Sequences. [Preprint]

Blocher, Anselm and Schirra, Jörg R.J. (1995) Optional deep case filling and focus control with mental images: ANTLIMA-KOREF. [Conference Paper]

Piolat, A (1995) Parler, rédiger: présentation d'un outil d'analyse syntaxique et de quelques résultats. [Journal (Paginated)]

Miall, David S. and Kuiken, Don (1994) Foregrounding, Defamiliarization, and Affect: Response to Literary Stories. [Journal (Paginated)]

Miall, David S. and Kuiken, Don (1994) Beyond Text Theory: Understanding Literary Response. [Journal (Paginated)]

Brysbaert, M. and Meyers, C. (1993) The optimal viewing position for children with normal and with poor reading abilities. [Book Chapter]

Piolat, A and Isnard, N and Della Valle, V (1993) Traitement de texte et stratégies rédactionnelles. [Journal (Paginated)]

Piolat, A and Roussey, JY (1991) Narrative and descriptive text revising strategies and procedures. [Journal (Paginated)]

Roussey, JY and Piolat, A and Guercin, F (1990) Revising strategies for different text types. [Journal (Paginated)]

Brysbaert, M. and d'Ydewalle, G. (1990) Tachistoscopic presentation of verbal stimuli for assessing cerebral dominance: Reliability data and some practical recommendations. [Journal (Paginated)]

Miall, David S. (1989) Beyond the schema given: Affective comprehension of literary narratives. [Journal (Paginated)]

Muter, P. (1986) Blissymbolics, cognition, and the handicapped. [Book Chapter]

Muter, Paul and Johns, Elizabeth E. (1985) Learning Logographies and Alphabetic Codes. [Journal (Paginated)]

Harnad, Stevan (1982) Metaphor and Mental Duality. [Book Chapter]

Lecours, Andre Roch and Yves, Joanette (1980) Linguisitic and Other Psychological Aspects of Paroxysmal Aphasia. [Journal (Paginated)]

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