Number of items at this level: 153.
Huette, Ms. Stephanie and Winter, Mr. Bodo and Matlock, Dr. Teenie and Ardell, Dr. David and Spivey, Dr. Michael
Spontaneous eye movements during passive spoken language comprehension reflect grammatical processing.
Sacco, Ph.D Katiuscia and Angeleri, Ph.D. Romina and Colle, Ph.D. Livia and Gabbatore, Ph.D. Ilaria and Bara, Prof. Bruno G. and Bosco, Prof. Francesca M.
ABaCo: Assessment Battery for Communication.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Gabbatore, Ph.D. Ilaria and angeleri, Ph. D. romina and bara, Prof. bruno and bosco, prof. francesca and sacco, Ph.D. katiuscia
Abilità linguistiche ed extralinguistiche in pazienti con afasia.
[Conference Paper]
Saez-Uribarri, Iñigo
Biases in the relationship between dream threats and level of anxiety upon awakening.
[Conference Poster]
Jelec, Anna and Fleischer, Zuzanna and Jaworska, Dorota
Investigating the dual function of gesture in blind and visually impaired children. (Poster).
[Conference Poster]
Shaoul, Dr. Cyrus
The Processing of Lexical Sequences.
Gobbo, Dr Federico and Preziosi, Riccardo A.
Constructive Conversation Analysis in psychotherapy: cognitive relevance of actants in terms of linguistic constructions.
[Conference Poster]
Poleev, Dr. Andrej
Bosco, Francesca and Tirassa, Maurizio
Communication failure.
[Book Chapter]
Colle, Livia and Bosco, Francesca M. and Tirassa, Maurizio
The complexity of theory of mind.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Bosco, Francesca M. and Colle, Livia and De Fazio, Silvia and Bono, Adele and Ruberti, Saverio and Tirassa, Maurizio
Th.o.m.a.s.: An exploratory assessment of Theory of Mind in schizophrenic subjects.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Evola, Vito
“Io sono evoluto e quello è un uomo di Neanderthal”:
Un’analisi linguistica cognitivista del concetto di evoluzione.
[Conference Paper]
Evola, Vito
How Body and Soul Interact with the Spiritual Mind.
[Conference Paper]
Voiklis, John
A Thing Is What We Say It Is: Referential Communication and Indirect Category Learning.
Evola, Vito
La metafora come carrefour cognitivo del pensiero e del linguaggio.
[Book Chapter]
(In Press)
Evola, Vito
Multimodal Semiotics of Representing God and the Self:
a Cognitive Linguistic View of Metaphors and Gestures
in Religious Discourse.
[Conference Poster]
Voiklis, John and Corter, James
Cooperative Categorization: Coordination of Reference and Categories in Learning a Joint Prediction Task.
[Conference Poster]
On the origin of the cumulative semantic inhibition effect.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Evola, Vito
Multimodal Semiotics of Spiritual Experiences: Representing Beliefs, Metaphors, and Actions.
[Conference Paper]
Saez-Uribarri, Iñigo
Anxiety upon Awakening and Attributes of Dream Characters.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Tirassa, Maurizio and Bosco, Francesca M.
On the nature and role of intersubjectivity in communication.
[Book Chapter]
Evola, Vito
Cognitive Linguistics and the Evolution of Body and Soul
in the Western World: from Ancient Hebrew to Modern English.
[Conference Poster]
Situngkir, Hokky
Regimes in Babel are Confirmed: Report on Findings in Several Indonesian Ethnic Biblical Texts.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Situngkir, Hokky
An Observational Framework to the Zipfian Analysis among Different Languages: Studies to Indonesian Ethnic Biblical Texts.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Evola, Vito
St. Paul's Error: The Semantic Changes of BODY and SOUL in the Western World.
[Conference Paper]
Gezgin, Dr. Ulas Basar
Moscoso del Prado Martin, Dr Fermin and Kostic, Prof Aleksandar and Filipovic-Djurdjevic, Dusica
The Missing Link between Morphemic Assemblies and Behavioral Responses:a Bayesian Information-Theoretical model of lexical processing.
Moscoso del Prado Martin, Fermin and Aleksandar, Kostic and Dusica, Filipovic-Djurdjevic
The Missing Link between Morphemic Assemblies and Behavioral Responses:a Bayesian Information-Theoretical model of lexical processing.
Saez-Uribarri, Iñigo
Cero Macareno's tablet: Exploratory data analysis around a piece of archeology (La tableta de Cero Macareno: Análisis exploratorio de datos en torno a una pieza de arqueología).
[Journal (Paginated)]
Evola, Vito
Polisemia e slittamenti semantici nei concetti ANIMA e CORPO nel mondo occidentale, ovvero l'errore di San Paolo.
[Conference Paper]
Moscoso del Prado Martin, Dr Fermin and Baayen, Prof R. Harald
A broad-coverage distributed connectionist model of visual word recognition.
Lemaire, Benoit and Mandin, Sonia and Dessus, Philippe and Denhière, Guy
Computational Cognitive Models of Summarization Assessment Skills.
[Conference Paper]
Roberts, Dr Mark D
Name Strategy: Its Existence and Implications.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Situngkir, Hokky
How Far Can We Go Through Social System?
[Departmental Technical Report]
(In Press)
Evola, Vito
Blending the Erotic and the Divine in Mystical Literature.
[Conference Poster]
Lacerda, Francisco and Klintfors, Eeva and Gustavsson, Lisa and Lagerkvist, Lisa and Marklund, Ellen and Sundberg, Ulla
Ecological Theory of Language Acquisition.
[Conference Poster]
Stepak, Asa M
Frequency Value Grammar and Information Theory.
Lemaire, Benoît and Denhière, Guy
Incremental Construction of an Associative Network from a Corpus.
[Conference Paper]
Gustavsson, Lisa and Sundberg, Ulla and Klintfors, Eeva and Marklund, Ellen and Lagerkvist, Lisa and Lacerda, Francisco
Integration of audio-visual information in 8-months-old infants.
[Conference Poster]
Zellner Keller, Dr. Brigitte
Prosodic Styles and Personality Styles: are the two interrelated.
[Conference Paper]
Olive, Thierry
Working Memory in Writing: Empirical Evidence From the Dual-Task Technique.
Tsur, Reuven
Aspects of Cognitive Poetics.
[Book Chapter]
Veneziano, E
The emergence of noun and verb categories
in the acquisition of French.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Morin, Alain
A neuro-socio-cognitive model of self-awareness.
[Conference Poster]
Ramus, Franck and Dupoux, Emmanuel and Mehler, Jacques
The psychological reality of rhythm classes: Perceptual studies.
[Conference Paper]
Tsur, Reuven
Phonetic Cues and Dramatic Function
Artistic Recitation of Metered Speech.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Olive, Thierry and Piolat, Annie
Suppressing visual feedback in written composition: Effects on processing demands and coordination of the writing processes.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Zevin, Jason D. and Seidenberg, Mark S.
Age of acquisition effects in word reading and other tasks.
Ramus, Franck
Acoustic correlates of linguistic rhythm: Perspectives.
[Conference Paper]
Cangelosi, Angelo and Parisi, Domenico
Computer simulation: A new scientific approach to the study of language evolution.
[Book Chapter]
Davis, Matt H.
Connectionist modelling of lexical segmentation and vocabulary acquisition.
[Book Chapter]
(In Press)
McDonald, Scott and Brew, Chris
A distributional model of semantic context effects in lexical processinga.
Harris, Harlan
Holographic Reduced Representations for Oscillator Recall: A Model of Phonological Production.
[Conference Paper]
(In Press)
Harris, Harlan
Holographic Reduced Representations for Oscillator Recall: A Model of Phonological Production.
[Conference Paper]
(In Press)
Spurrett, Dr David
Information processing and dynamical systems approaches are complementary.
Ramus, Franck
Language discrimination by newborns: Teasing apart phonotactic, rhythmic, and intonational cues.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
(In Press)
Farkas, Igor and Li, Ping
Modeling the development of lexicon with a growing self-organizing map.
[Conference Paper]
Fiebach, Christian J. and Maess, Burkhard and Friederici, Angela D.
Neuromagnetic evidence that differences in verb and noun processing are modulated by the presence of a syntactic context.
[Conference Paper]
Stepak, Asa M.
Oral Metaphor Construct--New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics.
[Conference Paper]
Oudeyer, Pierre-Yves
Phonemic Coding Might Result From
Sensory-Motor Coupling Dynamics.
[Conference Paper]
Piolat, A and Roussey, JY and Gérouit, C
Prise de notes par des élèves de 10-12 ans plus ou moins bons lecteurs et rédacteurs.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Wilson, Deirdre and Sperber, Dan
Truthfulness and relevance.
[Journal (Paginated)]
(In Press)
Hershberg, Uri and Efroni, Sol
The immune system and other cognitive systems.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Redford, Melissa A. and Chen, Chun Chi and Miikkulainen, Risto
Constrained Emergence of Universals and Variation in Syllable Systems.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Lavigne, Frédéric and Denis, Sylvain
Attentional and Semantic Anticipations.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Cangelosi, Angelo and Parisi, Domenico
How nouns and verbs differentially affect the behavior of artificial organisms.
[Conference Poster]
Martinez, Guillermina and Cangelosi, Angelo and Coventry, Kenny
A Hybrid Neural Network and Virtual Reality System for Spatial Language Processing.
[Conference Poster]
Bara, Bruno G. and Cutica, Ilaria and Tirassa, Maurizio
Neuropragmatics: Extralinguistic communication after closed head injury.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Tsur, Reuven
Onomatopoeia: Cuckoo-Language and Tick-Tocking+◊.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Ramus, Franck
Outstanding questions about phonological processing in dyslexia.
Ramus, Franck
Outstanding questions about phonological processing in dyslexia.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Farkas, Igor and Li, Ping
A self-organizing neural network model of the acquisition of word meaning.
[Conference Paper]
Hoen, Michel and Dominey, Peter-Ford
ERP analysis of cognitive sequencing : a left-anterior negativity related to structural transformation processing.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Ramus, Franck and Hauser, Marc D. and Miller, Cory and Morris, Dylan and Mehler, Jacques
Language discrimination by human newborns and by cotton-top tamarin monkeys.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Stemmer, Brigitte and Corre, Marianne and Joanette, Yves
Stemmer, Brigitte and Schönle, Paul Walter
Neuropragmatics in the 21st century.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Lavigne, Frédéric and Lavigne, Pascal
Anticipatory Semantic Processes.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Sharifian, Farzad
Aspects of schematic processing in Indigenous speakers of Aboriginal English: An initial exploration.
[Conference Paper]
Ramus, Franck and Dupoux, Emmanuel and Zangl, Renate and Mehler, Jacques
An empirical study of the perception of language rhythm.
Cangelosi, Angelo
Evolution of Symbolisation in Chimpanzees and Neural Nets.
[Conference Paper]
Harnad, Stevan
From Sensorimotor Praxis and Pantomine to Symbolic Representations.
[Conference Paper]
Lavigne, Frédéric and Vitu, Françoise and d'Ydewalle, Géry
The influence of semantic context on initial eye landing sites in words.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Post, John F.
Is Supervenience Asymmetric?
[Book Chapter]
(In Press)
Zwaan, Rolf and Kaup, Barbara and Stanfield, Robert and Madden, Carol
Language comprehension as guided experience.
Bara, Bruno G. and Tirassa, Maurizio
Neuropragmatics: Brain and communication.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Ramus, Franck
Perception of linguistic rhythm by newborn infants.
Friederici, Angela D. and Schlesewsky, Matthias and Fiebach, Christian J.
Wh-movement vs. scrambling: The brain makes a difference.
[Book Chapter]
(In Press)
Pallier, Christophe
Word recognition: do we need phonological representations?
[Conference Paper]
ALARIO, Dr. F.-Xavier
Aspects sémantiques et syntaxiques de l’accès au lexique lors de la production de parole.
Stemmer, Brigitte
Discourse studies in neurologically impaired populations: A quest for action.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Kelly, Michael
Regional Naming Patterns and the Culture of Honor.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Dansac, Christophe and Alamargot, Denis
[Book Chapter]
Kashkin, Viatcheslav B.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Tirassa, Maurizio
Communicative competence and the architecture of the mind/brain.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Roussey, JY and Piolat, A and Gombert, A
Contextes de production et justification écrite d'un point de vue par des enfants âgés de 10 à 13 ans.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Ramus, Franck and Nespor, Marina and Mehler, Jacques
Correlates of linguistic rhythm in the speech signal.
Ramus, Franck and Nespor, Marina and Mehler, Jacques
Correlates of linguistic rhythm in the speech signal.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Stemmer, Brigitte
[Journal (Paginated)]
Ramus, Franck and Mehler, Jacques
Language identification with suprasegmental cues: A study based on speech resynthesis.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Stemmer, Brigitte
An On-Line Interview with Noam Chomsky: On the Nature of Pragmatics and Related Issues.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Pallier, Christophe and Sebastian-Galles, Nuria and Colome, Angels
Phonological representations and repetition priming.
[Conference Paper]
Bird, Steven
When marking tone reduces fluency: an orthography experiment in Cameroon.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Tsur, Reuven
Light, Fire, Prison: A Cognitive Analysis of Religious Imagery in Poetry.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Pallier, Christophe and Sebastian-Gallés, Nuria and Dupoux, Emmanuel and Mehler, Jacques
Perceptual adjustment to time-compressed Speech: a
cross-linguistic study.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Kelly, Michael H.
Rule and Idiosyncratically Derived Denominal Verbs: Effects on Language Production and Comprehension.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Posner, Michael I. and Pavese, Antonella
Anatomy of word and sentence meaning.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Barbier, ML and Piolat, A and Roussey, JY
Effet du traitement de texte et des correcteurs sur la maîtrise de l'orthographe et de la grammaire en langue seconde.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Emmanuel, Dupoux and Kazohiko, Kakehi and Yuki, Hirose and Christophe, Pallier and Jacques, Mehler
Epenthetic vowels in Japanese: A perceptual illusion?
Dupoux, E. and Kakehi, K. and Hirose, Y. and Pallier, C. and Mehler, J.
Epenthetic vowels in Japanese: A perceptual illusion?
Hurford, James R
The evolution of language and languages.
[Book Chapter]
Hurford, Jim
Functional Innateness: explaining the critical period for language acquisition.
Stewart, Andrew J. and Pickering, Martin J. and Sanford, Anthony J.
Implicit Consequentiality.
[Conference Paper]
(In Press)
Chipere, Ngoni.
Real Language Users.
Claus, Berry and Eyferth, Klaus and Gips, Carsten and Hörnig, Robin and Schmid, Ute and Wiebrock, Sylvia and Wysotzki, Fritz
Reference Frames for Spatial Inference in Text Understanding.
[Book Chapter]
Bachoud-Lévi, A.C. and Dupoux, E. and Cohen, L. and Mehler, J.
Where is the length effect? A cross-linguistic study.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Miall, David S.
The Body in Literature: Mark Johnson, Metaphor, and Feeling.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Pallier, C. and Bosch, L. and Sebastian-Gallés, N.
A limit on behavioral plasticity in speech perception.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Green, Christopher D. and Vervaeke, John
But What Have You Done for Us Lately?: Some Recent Perspectives on Linguistic Nativism.
[Book Chapter]
Akman, Varol
Context as a Social Construct.
[Conference Paper]
Samani, R. and Sharifian, F.
Cross-language hierarchical spreading of activation.
[Book Chapter]
Dupoux, E. and Pallier, C. and Sebastian, N. and Mehler, J.
A destressing "deafness" in French?
[Journal (Paginated)]
Piolat, A and Roussey, JY and Thunin, O
Effect of screen presentation on text reading and revising. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Mueller, Horst M. and King, Jonathan W. and Kutas, Marta
Event-related potentials elicited by spoken relative clauses.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Sharifian, F. and Samani, R.
Hierarchical spreading of activation.
[Book Chapter]
Tirassa, Maurizio
Mental states in communication.
[Conference Paper]
Bara, Bruno G. and Tirassa, Maurizio and Zettin, Marina
Neuropragmatics: Neuropsychological constraints on formal theories of dialogue.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Pallier, Christophe
Phonemes and Syllables in Speech Perception: size of the attentional focus in French.
[Conference Paper]
Pallier, Christophe and Cutler, Anne and Sebastian-Gallés, Nuria
Prosodic structure and phonetic processing: A cross-linguistic study.
[Conference Paper]
Rosenthal, Victor and Bisiacchi, Patrizia
[Journal (Paginated)]
Green, Christopher D. and Groff, Philip R.
Auditory Implicit Learning, and Its Transfer to and from Visual Implicit Learning.
Piolat, A and Roussey, JY and Olive, T and Farioli, F
Charge mentale et mobilisation des processus rédactionnels : examen de la procédure de Kellogg.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Tsur, Reuven
Postscript to "Rhyme and Cognitive Poetics".
Tsur, Reuven
Rhyme and Cognitive Poetics.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Piolat, A and Roussey, JY
Students' drafting strategies and text quality.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Mueller, H.M. and Kutas, M.
What's in a name? Electrophysiological differences between spoken nouns, proper nouns and one's own name.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Mueller, Horst M. and Kutas, Marta
What's in a name? Electrophysiological differences between spoken nouns, proper nouns and one's own name.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Miall, David S.
Anticipation and feeling in literary response: A neuropsychological perspective.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Morin, Alain
Characteristics of an effective internal dialogue in the acquisition of self-information.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Green, Christopher D. and Munro, Ellen
Implicit Learning of Spatial Sequences.
Blocher, Anselm and Schirra, Jörg R.J.
Optional deep case filling and focus control with mental images: ANTLIMA-KOREF.
[Conference Paper]
Piolat, A
Parler, rédiger: présentation d'un outil d'analyse syntaxique et de quelques résultats.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Miall, David S. and Kuiken, Don
Foregrounding, Defamiliarization, and Affect: Response to Literary Stories.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Miall, David S. and Kuiken, Don
Beyond Text Theory: Understanding Literary Response.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Brysbaert, M. and Meyers, C.
The optimal viewing position for children with normal and with poor reading abilities.
[Book Chapter]
Piolat, A and Isnard, N and Della Valle, V
Traitement de texte et stratégies rédactionnelles.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Piolat, A and Roussey, JY
Narrative and descriptive text revising strategies and procedures.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Roussey, JY and Piolat, A and Guercin, F
Revising strategies for different text types.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Brysbaert, M. and d'Ydewalle, G.
Tachistoscopic presentation of verbal stimuli for assessing cerebral dominance: Reliability data and some practical recommendations.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Miall, David S.
Beyond the schema given: Affective comprehension of literary narratives.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Muter, P.
Blissymbolics, cognition, and the handicapped.
[Book Chapter]
Muter, Paul and Johns, Elizabeth E.
Learning Logographies and Alphabetic Codes.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Harnad, Stevan
Metaphor and Mental Duality.
[Book Chapter]
Lecours, Andre Roch and Yves, Joanette
Linguisitic and Other Psychological Aspects of Paroxysmal Aphasia.
[Journal (Paginated)]
This list was generated on Tue Jan 16 23:50:18 2018 GMT.