
Computer simulation: A new scientific approach to the study of language evolution

Cangelosi, Angelo and Parisi, Domenico (2002) Computer simulation: A new scientific approach to the study of language evolution. [Book Chapter]

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(summary of the whole book) This volume provides a comprehensive survey of computational models and methodologies used for studying the origin and evolution of language and communication. With contributions from the most influential figures in the field, Simulating the Evolution of Language presents and summarises current computational approaches to language evolution and highlights new lines of development. Among the main discussion points are: · Analysis of emerging linguistic behaviours and structures · Demonstration of the strict interaction and interdependence between language and other non-linguistic abilities · Direct comparisons between simulation studies and empirical research Essential reading for researchers and students in the areas of evolutionary and adaptive systems, language evolution, modelling and linguistics, it will also be of particular interest to computer scientists working on multi-agent systems, robotics and internet agents.

Item Type:Book Chapter
Keywords:language evolution, computer simulation, computational linguistic
Subjects:Biology > Evolution
Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
Computer Science > Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science > Dynamical Systems
Psychology > Evolutionary Psychology
Linguistics > Historical Linguistics
Linguistics > Comparative Linguistics
Neuroscience > Neurolinguistics
Psychology > Psycholinguistics
ID Code:2014
Deposited By: Cangelosi, Professor Angelo
Deposited On:11 Jan 2002
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:54

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