
Items where Subject is "Linguistics > Historical Linguistics"

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Number of items at this level: 29.

Plant, Dr John S and Plant, Prof Richard E (2014) Getting the most from a surname study: semantics, DNA and computer modelling (third edition).

Görür Atabaş, Hülya and Turner, Sharon (2011) Expectations eclipsed in foreign language education: learners and educators on an ongoing journey / edited by Hülya Görür-Atabaş, Sharon Turner.

Poleev, Dr. Andrej (2010) Octology.

Sparavigna, Dr. Amelia (2008) Icons and signs from the ancient Harappa. (Unpublished)

Belaga, Dr. Edward G. (2008) In the Beginning Was the Verb: The Emergence and Evolution of Language Problem in the Light of the Big Bang Epistemological Paradigm. [Departmental Technical Report] (Unpublished)

Evola, Vito (2007) Cognitive Linguistics and the Evolution of Body and Soul in the Western World: from Ancient Hebrew to Modern English. [Conference Poster]

Situngkir, Hokky and Khanafiah, Deni (2007) Conjecture to Statistical Proximity with Tree of Language (?): Report on Few Austronesian Languages of Indonesian Ethnics. [Departmental Technical Report]

Situngkir, Hokky (2007) An Observational Framework to the Zipfian Analysis among Different Languages: Studies to Indonesian Ethnic Biblical Texts. [Departmental Technical Report]

Plant, Dr John S (2007) The Tardy Adoption of the Plantagenet Surname. [Journal (Paginated)]

Evola, Vito (2006) St. Paul's Error: The Semantic Changes of BODY and SOUL in the Western World. [Conference Paper]

Chandrasekhar, Professor Sosale (2006) An apparent sprinkling of Altaic words in a Dravidian language (Kannada). Possible historical significance for South Asia. (Unpublished)

Saez-Uribarri, Iñigo (2006) Cero Macareno's tablet: Exploratory data analysis around a piece of archeology (La tableta de Cero Macareno: Análisis exploratorio de datos en torno a una pieza de arqueología). [Journal (Paginated)]

Evola, Vito (2006) Polisemia e slittamenti semantici nei concetti ANIMA e CORPO nel mondo occidentale, ovvero l'errore di San Paolo. [Conference Paper]

Evola, Vito (2004) Blending the Erotic and the Divine in Mystical Literature. [Conference Poster]

Milizia, Paolo (2004) Sulla cospirazione indoaria contro le fricative sonore. [Conference Paper]

Kastner, Charles W. (2003) A hierarchy of languages, logics, and mathematical theories. [Preprint]

Kastner, Charles W. (2003) A theory of glossogenesis. [Preprint]

Cangelosi, Angelo and Parisi, Domenico (2002) Computer simulation: A new scientific approach to the study of language evolution. [Book Chapter]

Galbi, Dr. Douglas (2001) A New Account of Personalization and Effective Communication. [Departmental Technical Report] (Unpublished)

Allott, Robin (2000) The Articulatory Basis of the Alphabet. [Book Chapter]

Harnad, Stevan (2000) From Sensorimotor Praxis and Pantomine to Symbolic Representations. [Conference Paper]

Zwaan, Rolf and Kaup, Barbara and Stanfield, Robert and Madden, Carol (2000) Language comprehension as guided experience. (Unpublished)

Hurford, James R and Kirby, Simon (1998) Co-Evolution of Language-Size and the Critical Period. [Book Chapter] (Unpublished)

Hurford, James R (1998) The evolution of language and languages. [Book Chapter] (Unpublished)

Say, Bilge and Akman, Varol (1997) Current Approaches to Punctuation in Computational Linguistics. [Journal (Paginated)]

Freedman, David A. and Wang, William (1996) Language polygenesis: A probabilistic model. [Journal (Paginated)]

Allott, Robin (1991) The motor theory of language. [Book Chapter]

Steklis, Horst Dieter and Harnad, Stevan (1976) From hand to mouth: Some critical stages in the evolution of language. [Book Chapter]

Harnad, Stevan (1976) Induction, evolution and accountability. [Book Chapter]

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