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Callosal transmission time before and after partial commissurotomy

Iacoboni, M. and Fried, I. and Zaidel, E. (1994) Callosal transmission time before and after partial commissurotomy. [Journal (Paginated)]

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Interhemispheric transmission time was measured in a patient before and after partial commissurotomy sparing the splenium of the corpus callosum. The transmission time was measured using a simple reaction time paradigm with unimanual responses to lateralized flashes at 4 and 8 degrees of eccentricity. Post-operative transfer time was longer than pre-operative transfer time at 8 degrees but not at 4 degrees of eccentricity. These data do not support the notion that the callosal transfer time is always faster through motor rather than visual fibers. They rather suggest that the callosal transfer time through visual fibers is longer than the callosal transfer time through motor fibers only for flashes at large eccentricities.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:corpus callosum, interhemispheric transfer time, partial commissurotomy
Subjects:Neuroscience > Neuroanatomy
Neuroscience > Neurology
Neuroscience > Neuropsychology
ID Code:39
Deposited By: Iacoboni, Marco
Deposited On:15 Jun 1998
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:53


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