
Relationships between working memory, expressive vocabulary and arithmetical reasoning in children with and without intellectual disabilities.

Henry, Dr Lucy and MacLean, Ms Morag (2003) Relationships between working memory, expressive vocabulary and arithmetical reasoning in children with and without intellectual disabilities. [Journal (Paginated)]

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PDF (Henry, L. & MacLean, M. (2003) Relationships between working memory, expressive vocabulary and arithmetical reasoning in children with and without intellectual disabilities. Educational and Child Psychology, 20(3), 51-63.)


This experiment examined the relationships between working memory and two measures of achievement, namely expressive vocabulary and arithmetical reasoning, in children with and without intellectual disabilities (ID). For 11-12-year-old children with intellectual disabilities, memory measures tapping the central executive were the most important predictors of both expressive vocabulary and arithmetical reasoning, with phonological memory making a small additional contribution to expressive vocabulary. For mainstream 11-12-year-old children, phonological memory was the best predictor of expressive vocabulary, whereas, arithmetical reasoning ability was predicted by visual memory and to a lesser extent phonological memory. The third group of children, 7-8-year-old mainstream children, had been matched on mental age with the intellectual disability group. For these children the most important predictor of expressive vocabulary was phonological memory, with a small additional contribution from visual memory. Arithmetical reasoning was best predicted by memory measures tapping the central executive with an additional contribution from phonological memory. These results suggest that different working memory resources are used by children of varying ages and ability levels to carry out at least some cognitive tasks.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Subjects:Psychology > Developmental Psychology
ID Code:5913
Deposited By: MacLean, Ms Morag
Deposited On:04 Feb 2008 18:01
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:57

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